DS Lite to Shine in Pink Soon
And with the rising popularity of the handheld with girls and women, that's a good thing.
Just days after releasing the DS Lite in the UK in black and white variants, Nintendo has made many people's day by revealing that it has a pink version of the portable coming later this year. The catch - it's only going to be available in Japan for now.

The pink model of the popular handheld will be out in Japan on 20 July. This is the fourth colour available in the country.
Unlike the UK and the US, where uptake has been on the slow side, Japan is wild about the DS Lite. Around 130,000 people pick one up every week, and DS game dominate the sales chart.
It's probably only a matter of time before the pink DS Lite comes out in Europe too. Chart Track's Dorian Bloch told GamesIndustry.biz this week that, even with the DS Lite on the market, sales of the pink DS bundled with Nintendogs are still strong.
The DS Lite was released in the UK last week, but it went off with something of a whimper, with around 35,000 sales in its opening weekend.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games