Guitar Hero Rumoured to Rock on 360
And a simultaneous revelation of Guitar Hero: G.H.O.U.L. seems to verify it.
There's a story doing the rounds that RedOctane's hard-rocking hair-metal simulator Guitar Hero II is making the cross-platform leap to the Xbox 360. The problem is that the only evidence is circumstantial.
The news comes from game blog, which cites an anonymous source associated with the currently nonexistent project but offers little else in the way of proof.
Though no one has officially confirmed the story, it does fall in lockstep with RedOctane owner Activision's vision for the future of the series.
Activision's Ron Doornink said in May that the company is looking to make the most of next-gen platforms, specifically by tapping into music downloads. At the time, though, none of the companies involved would comment on which platforms any next-gen iteration would land on.
Adding some authority to the rumours is a recent update to Harmonix's MySpace page, where the developers hint at a new project titled Guitar Hero: G.H.O.U.L.
"Many of us have been in the laboratory here hard at work on something that I will officially announce within the next couple weeks," reads the posting, which also shows off what appears to be a new game logo (above).
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games