Final Fantasy XII Not in Europe Till '07
Used to being neglected, RPG fans in Europe are going to need to hang tough for a while still to play the latest in the series.
There's something odd about watching trailers for a new game in a franchise while you're waiting for the current iteration to arrive, but sometimes, as is the case with Final Fantasy XII, that's the price we pay for living in multicultural (and multilingual) Europe.
Square Enix said last week that the final current-gen entry in its bellwether series would at last make an appearance in Europe - though only in 2007.
Still, as they say, better late and all that, and that's especially true of Final Fantasy XII, which is racking up praise and bringing in wads of cash for the publisher.
After such a long wait - Final Fantasy X, the last true update was released four years ago in Europe - knowing only that it is coming in "early 2007" might not be good enough for everyone, but it's all we have to go on for now.
Final Fantasy XII sticks to the elements that have made it one of the most popular series of all time, but it throws in new stuff, too, like a redone character development system and a politics-heavy storyline.