Lego Star Wars II Hits 1m in a Week
Even in block form, the Star Wars franchise is an almost guaranteed success.
Lego is popular, and Star Wars, god knows, is popular, but it was still somewhat surprising that Traveller's Tales' mishmash of the two in the first Lego Star Wars was as successful as it was. The inevitable sequel arrived earlier this month and there's every indication that that publisher LucasArts has done it again.
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy sold more than 1.1 million copies in its first week of worldwide release, according to new numbers from LucasArts. That number was no doubt boosted by the decision to bring the game to eight current platforms at once.
Unlike the first game, which stuck in the newer prequels, this new instalment recounts the original three movies that spawned the franchise.
And just because the Star Wars series is spent, don't think that's the end of this style of Lego hand. Word is already spreading that Travellers' Tales is next turning its attention to the Dark Knight himself for a blocky Batman game.