Lego Star Wars II Beats Chart Newcomers
Sports and regime change prove too little competition for the blocky heroes.
It's another week on top of the UK sales chart for Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy after a trio of big newcomers failed to outdo the blocky action game.
Among those new games were Eidos' Just Cause, in which you tackle a Grand Theft Auto-inspired tale of regime change, and Tiger Woods' new golf game. There's more sports in the No. 4 position, too, as Codemasters' latest update to its LMA Manager series also opened well.
If the resilience of Cars, which is based on the Pixar flick of the same name, was somewhat expected, the continued health of Dr Kawashima's Brain Training was not.
That the game managed to stick it out in the Top 5 during the barren summer months was already impressive, but even now, with publishers pushing out new titles, Nintendo's grey matter gym is still finding its non-gamer audience. In fact, Brain Training has made it into the Top 10 every week since it came out in the beginning of June.
The Top 10 games for the week ending 23 September, as determined by Chart Track, are below:
- Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (LucasArts)
- Just Cause (Eidos)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (EA)
- LMA Manager 2007 (Codemasters)
- Cars (THQ)
- Dr Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? (Nintendo)
- Dead Rising (Capcom)
- Saints Row (THQ)
- The Godfather (EA)
- New Super Mario Bros (Nintendo)
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo