Pro Evo Steamrolls FIFA on Charts
Do you go to Konami or EA for football this year? Konami, says the UK emphatically.
Asking which football franchise people prefer is a lot like asking them which style of underwear they prefer. In the end, the answer comes down to whichever feels more natural, and for many football fans, it's Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer that has the edge right now.
After much ballyhooing that mostly surrounded the semantic exclusivity of the game to the Xbox 360, Pro Evolution Soccer 6 finally proved itself this weekend with a sterling debut.
Though it opened on just three platforms to FIFA's seven, Konami's game opened nearly 25 per cent higher than FIFA 07 did last month. At the same time, it outpaced Capcom's Dead Rising to become the fastest selling Xbox 360 game yet.
It's not all gravy for Konami, though, as there are many unsatisfied customers who are angry about the Xbox 360's lacklustre online performance - at least so far.
Amidst all this football action, it's perhaps understandable that Bully - now known as Canis Canem Edit in the UK - didn't perform quite as well as Rockstar would have hoped. It's only now that we'll see whether the critically lauded game can overcome its late name change and the negative press surrounding it, or whether it will flounder, satisfying its opponents.
The Top 10 games for the week ending 28 October, as determined by Chart Track, are below:
- Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (Konami)
- FIFA 07 (EA)
- The Sims: Pets (EA)
- Football Manager 2007 (Sega)
- Canis Canem Edit (Rockstar)
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Ubisoft)
- Scarface: The World Is Yours (Vivendi)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (EA)
- Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (LucasArts)
- Cars (THQ)
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo