Pro Evo Demo on Live, Crackdown Soon
Free Xbox Live Marketplace goodies to see you through the holidays.
Konami has a gift for Xbox 360 owners not sure if they want to give this year's next-gen edition of Pro Evolution Soccer a try. Starting today, you'll be able to download a free taster of Pro Evolution Soccer 6 from Xbox Live.
And that's not all. The end of the year brings a flood of new stuff for holiday takers to while away the time with, such as the Mehrunes Razor update to Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which is going free until the end of the year. The download opens up a new area in the game where you'll be able to earn the titular weapon.
Speaking of 2007, one of the more anticipated games coming to Xbox 360 is Crackdown, a cops-'n-robbers title coming from the ex-Grand Theft Auto designers at Real Time Worlds. The game is out on 23 February and Microsoft will be spreading the word through a new demo scheduled to arrive on the Xbox Live Marketplace on 18 January.
The free demos and extra content are part of a general plan to get more people involved in Xbox Live. Microsoft says more than half of all Xbox 360s are connected online. According to Reuters, around 4 million people have also signed up for Xbox Live Gold service, which allows Xbox 360 owners to play against each other online.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo