Confusion Over Vice City Stories for PS2
Rockstar avoids making any comments on the game's supposed existence.
Is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories coming to the PlayStation 2 or not? It's a simple question that Rockstar is going out of its way to avoid.
There has been talk for some time now that the game make the crossing, despite Rockstar originally insisting that the game would not repeat Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories' evolutionary path.
The confusion is largely the result of two ostensible slip-ups, which saw Vice City Stories appear as a PlayStation 2 title on the US game rating board site and more recently on the US PlayStation 2 site. Both listings have since gone missing.
Rockstar has sidestepped the rumours at every point, mostly through its usual tack of refusing to comment on the speculation or, as was the case today, not returning requests for comments at all.
The case for the game getting a PlayStation 2 port is a solid one, emboldened by simple economics. Vice City Stories hasn't done nearly as well as Liberty City Stories did and a quick-'n'-dirty port would squeeze more out of the project.
But Rockstar is also squirreling away on Grand Theft Auto IV, which is due on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 this October, and the company is no doubt wary of drawing attention to an older game.
So, is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories coming to the PlayStation 2 or not? Only Rockstar knows for sure, and it isn't saying.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo