Pokémon Diamond, Pearl Break Records
Nintendo celebrating Japanese Pokémon success.
After more than 10 years as one of the most popular brands in entertainment, the Pokémon series is again breaking sales records, with Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl shipping a record-breaking 5 million copies to retailers in Japan, making them the fastest selling Pokémon games ever.

With a number of exciting new features, including powerful moves and the exotic 'Sinnoh' setting, Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl offer fans an exciting new adventure. Fans can get an early start on their Pokémon collection in the games with the introduction of a new character in the series, the mysterious Manaphy.
A Water-type Pokémon, Manaphy has the power to swap healing effects with other Pokémon through its 'Heart Swap' move. To harness its power, players must first capture the Manaphy egg hidden within Pokémon Ranger, by beating the story mode of the game and entering an exclusive code. Manaphy can then "hatch" in Diamond and Pearl.
Pokémon Ranger for the Nintendo DS is finally released in the UK at the end of March, while Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl should reach British shores in the summer - not too long after their 22nd April release in the United States.