Devil May Cry 4 Drops Onto Xbox 360
Dante's once PS3-exclusive new adventure is coming to Xbox 360 and PC too.
After months of insistence that it wouldn't, Capcom confirmed on Tuesday that it is bringing the previously PS3-exclusive Devil May Cry 4 to Xbox 360 (and PC too).
The Devil May Cry series has been good not only for Capcom but for Sony too. In the six years since Devil May Cry started wreaking its unique brand of hellish fun on the PS2, Capcom has sold nearly 7 million Devil May Cry games, and the fourth instalment is looking to be one of the biggest yet.
Without going into details, Capcom said it would be tailoring Devil May Cry 4 to each of the three platforms.
Devil May Cry 4 is just the latest in a string of games previously announced as PS3-exclusive that will now be available on the Xbox 360 as well. Some of the others that recently shed their exclusive status include Assassin's Creed, Virtua Fighter 5 and more recently Mercenaries 2.
A report late last year put the blame for the shifts at the feet of PlayStation creator Ken Kutaragi, who had reportedly been tardy in negotiating with publishers outside of Sony for exclusive games.
Capcom has not announced a launch date for Devil May Cry 4 but it said that the game would be released simultaneously on PS3 and Xbox 360.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo