MS Mum on EU Release for Xbox 360 Elite
But Americans will get it next month already.
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With Americans quickly stuffing their puny 20 GB Xbox 360 hard drives with not only game demos and downloads but TV and movie content too, it was only a matter of time until Microsoft announced a bigger hard drive for its console. That time is now.
Confirming rumours that have persisted since last year, Microsoft said on Wednesday that it's prepping a new version of the Xbox 360 for release on 29 April.
The so-called Elite model will come with a 120 HB hard drive, an HDMI connector for getting the best digital video signal out of the system, and a cable to transfer data from another hard drive. The Xbox 360 Elite comes in black only and includes similarly hued accessories.
In the US the new pack will sell for $480 (£245), though current Xbox 360 owners will also be able to pick up the hard drive separately, for $180 (£92).
That's all well and good for Americans, but what about the rest of the world?
In Japan, Microsoft has confirmed that the Elite will not make it to that country right now, according to IGN. Japanese Xbox 360 owners wanting more storage will still be able to buy the hard drive alone.
Microsoft has been just as secretive about the specifics of the European release of the new system.
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