WipEout Curves Back Onto PSP
New tracks, ships and features in PSP sequel.
With Formula One Championship Edition for the PlayStation 3 in the can, Sony's Studio Liverpool is turning back to its WipEout series. It's not the PS3 edition that many are waiting on, but considering how popular WipEout Pure was, PSP owners are unlikely to snub a sequel.
So what's new? According to Sony, WipEout Pulse will have seven game modes and 24 new tracks that also introduce a new game feature to the franchise.
The Mag-Strips are, as the name suggests, magnetic strips on the track that trap your anti-gravity craft, which adds a new twist to the familiar racing theme.
Just like last time around, the game puts an emphasis on wireless multiplayer - both local and over the internet. You'll also be able to download new tracks, ships and music.
WipEout Pulse will be out for PSP this September.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo