Fans Demand (and Get) BioShock Special
Now you get to decide what goes inside.
It's not often that ordinary folks can make a real difference in the games industry - other than voting with their wallets, of course - but a few thousand people eager to play 2K Games' new spine-tingler BioShock can congratulate themselves on making their presence felt.
Earlier this week, 2K Games sent out work that it was considering putting out a special edition of BioShock, but it would only follow through on that if it could get 5,000 people to vote in favour of the special edition on their official community site. Five hours and 15 minutes later 2K Games hit its target.
Keeping in the spirit of how the decision was made, 2K Games is now polling its audience to find out what people would like to see in a special edition. To get your voice heard, head over to the Cult Of Rapture site today.
BioShock is a new first-person shooter heavy on atmosphere and lateral thinking. The game is coming to PC and Xbox 360 this August.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo