Sony Kills Cheaper PlayStation 3 in the US
Demand just wasn't there, it seems.
The original plan for the PlayStation 3 was for Sony to release two versions of the system to offer buyers choice. That audience has spoken over the last five months, and from what Sony is hearing they're not concerned about choice.
Citing a lack of interest in the lower-specced 20 GB model of the PS3, Sony confirmed on Wednesday that it would no longer offer the cheaper system as an option in the US, 1Up reports.
Until now, Americans (and Japanese, but not Europeans) had been able to forego WiFi capabilities and extra storage space in return for a system around 15 per cent cheaper than the top model.
Sony's David Karraker told 1Up that retail orders were skewed 10-to-1 in favour of the fully featured $600 PS3, helping the company in its decision to cull the $500 model.
Karraker did not address what role - if any - the production cost of the 20 GB model had on the decision. According to an estimated cost breakdown by research firm iSuppli in November, Sony was losing $240 on each 60 GB PS3 and $305 on the 20 GB console.
What effect will this have on Europe? Following the delay of the European launch of the PS3, Sony decided against releasing the cheaper model in the region. As such, there will not be any direct repercussions. Sony said this week it would take its lead from buyer demand.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo