Sonic Battles Pirates in DS Sequel
Let's hope the presence of 'Adventure' in the title isn't a portent of things to come. First screens.
DS owners can look forward to more blurring hedgehogs with the news that Sega is developing a sequel to 2005's Sonic Rush. The best part: it's got pirates.
Sonic Rush Adventure pits the Sega mascot against those ruthless dogs of the sea in an adventure that spans the oceans and both screens of the portable. The game offers seven stages of old-fashioned 2D gameplay that will take you through everything from snowbound worlds to forests and even ghost ships.
The game also introduces vehicles to the DS series, allowing you to commandeer submarines, water bikes and hovercrafts.
Sonic Rush Adventure will be out for the DS this autumn.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo