Becoming a Deity: God of War II Interview
Cory Barlog talks about Kratos, coming out of David Jaffe's shadow, and Barbie.
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Rising to the challenge is something the team has become adept at. Though the PlayStation 2 is over seven years old now, the developers are still finding ways to push the hardware. Barlog describes a particularly challenging bit in God of War II where most of the level is comprised of one of the Titans, Atlus, who talks to Kratos throughout. "These guys," Barlog says, referring to his team, "they like the 'Oh, it can't be done'. That's when they'll step up and say, 'Yeah, it can.'"
Less easily surmounted is the issue of exposure. With the PlayStation 3 in stores worldwide now, attention is shifting, and that makes it harder for a PlayStation 2 game - no matter its quality - to get the kind of exposure it would have received in years past.
"It's scary," says Barlog. "We're trying to take on the Goliath right now as far as garnering attention. But, when I really step back and think about it, we're in the game industry and good games speak for themselves. It doesn't matter what you make it for. Make a cool game, and you're going to get attention. And hopefully, I think that's what we've done with this one."
So what's next for Barlog and team? With God of War II in the can and out in Europe later this month, the attention is on new platforms. God of War for PlayStation 3 - well, Sony isn't eager to talk about that one just yet. More certain is the new PSP game, God of War: Chains of Olympus, which Barlog assures us will cover a new corner of Kratos's realm. That's important.
"I'm a storyteller by heart," he says. "I love to tell stories. And being in a position where I can tell the story, and I can craft the entire game the way I want it to be told - I'm set. The only other thing higher than this for me is to go direct some movies. I'll go do that, but beyond that, I'll stay in this job."
God of War II is out in Europe for PlayStation 2 on Friday, 27 April. Look for our full review soon.
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