Cheats, Bugs Nixed in MotorStorm Update
But you are going to have to give up your Fame stats in the process.
One month after releasing mud-stained off-road racer MotorStorm, Sony and developer Evolution Studios are preparing to wash out bugs and exploits left over in the chart-topping PlayStation 3 game.
The update, coming sometime in mid-May according to a post on Sony's community forum, will bring fixes for several bugs including but not limited to: online instability; issues with 5.1 and 7.1 audio; player ranking; vehicle damage; and text problems on standard definition TVs.
Evolution is also going to plug a hole related to how players use the boost button, which some online miscreants have been exploiting.
To even things out, Evolution is going to reset the Fame stat players have built up. It had originally planned to wipe the slate clean, but the developer is now trying to avoid that in response to requests from players.
MotorStorm launched alongside the PS3 in late March. It's been one of the best selling games for the system since.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo