New Id Game, Harry Potter, More on Mac
John Carmack shows off his new stuff at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference. First image.
Computer games have become synonymous with those that run on Windows, but gaming on the Mac got a much-needed boost this week. At its Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco this week, Apple revealed some of the new games coming to its hardware.
By volume, EA was the winner at the event. Company executive Bing Gordon said that many of EA's biggest games this year are Mac-bound, thanks to work done with TransGaming, a tech company focussed on cross-platform development.
Including in EA's batch of Mac titles are new games such as Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix, Madden NFL 08 and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 and also current ones, such as Need for Speed: Carbon, Battlefield 2142 and Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars.
The first of EA's new games for the Mac will arrive in July.
WWDC was also host to a world exclusive: the unveiling of Doom-creator Id's new software tool, Id Tech 5. Company founder John Carmack was on hand to show off a high-detail, MotorStorm-esque glimpse at what the engine is capable of.
Carmack was short on specifics, not announcing any specific titles, but he did say Mac owners could expect more from the demoed game - also coming to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC - at July's Electronic Entertainment Expo.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo