Syphon Filter PSP Sneaks Onto PS2
Sony's stealther jumps from the portable into your console.
There was a time when people bemoaned the all-too-frequent population of the PSP with downgraded PlayStation 2 games. Now some games are going the other way.
Sony said on Friday that it is prepping a PlayStation 2 version of its award-winning PSP stealth-'em-up Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror.
On the way, the game has picked up a few tweaks, including better graphics and improved controls. But the bulk of it is still there, including the story, which sees our hero, Gabe Logan, battle to bring the titular Dark Mirror back to friendlier hands.
PSP owners aren't being left out in the cold, either. Sony is also working on a second portable entry due later in the year.
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow follows the spy on a mission to infiltrate the USS Mt St Helens, a US warship carrying delicate cargo. When the ship is taken over by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean, it's up to Gabe to save the day.
Story is key for the game and Sony has tapped Batman (and more) writer Greg Rucka to handle writing duties.
Dark Mirror will cross over to PS2 in September while Logan's Shadow is out for PSP in October.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo