Dead Men Walking: Kane & Lynch Interview
We find out more about the new action game and its unique online mode.
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"It's a totally automatic cover system, which means there's no attaching to anything. I just run to a corner and when I'm at the corner I can aim, or blind-fire or whatever I want to do," Fusager said.
One part of the game that hasn't been highlighted much is how integral the rest of your crew is. They're much more than a distraction or something added to make situations more interesting to look at, they're also important for gameplay. If you find yourself running out of ammunition, say, you'll be able to run up to another crew member to pick up some more.
"Whatever they're carrying," Fusager said, "I have access to as well." They'll also come heal you if they're close enough.
Your team becomes much more important when you leave the confines of the story mode for the recently revealed Fragile Alliance multiplayer mode. We spoke to Fusager shortly before IO and publisher Eidos came clean on exactly what this mode would entail, and all he would say was that it's nothing like the average deathmatch and capture-the-flag modes we've come to expect from online shooters. "It's more based around this trust-distrust that," he said.
Fragile Alliance is actually more along the lines of classic Michael Mann movie Heat. You and your crew will be tasked with pulling of heists, but the real twist is that the winner is the one who ends up with the money. That means you'll have to work together to pull off the job while always being aware that one of your teammates could do you in at any time.
"We have Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, which is singleplayer and co-op, but we look at [Fragile Aliance] as it's own part," Fusager said.
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is coming for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game will be out across Europe on 23 November. You can find out more about the game at
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