Orange Box, BlackSite Demos on Xbox Live
First demo from The Orange Box to offer a taste of Half-Life 2: Episode Two.
With so many games coming out in the run up to Christmas, demos become even more important as a way to quickly verify which games are worth spending your hard-earned (or received) money on. Xbox 360 owners have a couple new ones available to them, both carrying a whiff of the otherworldly.
First up is a demo for The Orange Box, specifically the Half-Life 2: Episode Two portion of the game bundle. According to Valve, the creators of Half-Life, this is the "first" demo for The Orange Box, suggesting that there will be more to entice those still wondering whether getting Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Portal and Team Fortress 2 on one disc provides enough value.
BlackSite: Area 51, meanwhile, offers just the one game, though it does make up for it by having more aliens in it. The singleplayer demo for BlackSite gives you a two-level peak at the campaign mode, ushering you in deep into the heart of Rachel, Nevada.
The Orange Box is out now for Xbox 360 while BlackSite: Area 51 is out on Xbox 360 and PC at the end of November.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo