Activision Quiet on Rock Band Noise
Harmonix isn't happy that Activision is blocking its Rock Band update.
For many people, one plastic guitar is enough, which is why there were several complaints from PS3 owners who bought Rock Band and noticed that their Guitar Hero guitars weren't compatible with EA's game, something that's also a problem for those hoping to add a second guitar to their Rock Band experience.
Rock Band developer Harmonix hit the work bench again and came up with a patch for the game that would let PS3 owners use their Guitar Hero guitars (something Xbox 360 owners can already do).
But there's a problem: Activision won't let Harmonix patch its own game.
Harmonix said in a statement that it submitted a patch for the game, which Sony approved and prepared to roll out on 4 December. Activision then stepped in to make sure the update wasn't approved.
We contacted Activision to confirm these details and ask why it would prevent Rock Band PS3 owners from using Guitar Hero guitars, but a spokesperson said that the company has no comment to make at the moment.
Harmonix, meanwhile, has been more forthcoming. A spokesperson for the company posted on the Rock Band forums and rebuked Activision for blocking release of the patch.
"We sincerely hope that Activision will reverse its decision and allow release of the compatibility patch and further, that Activision will allow Guitar Hero III to support Rock Band guitar controllers as well," the post reads.
"We believe that when consumers have choice, everyone wins. Harmonix and MTV Games hope that Activision and others will also adopt this philosophy."
Unless Activision changes its mind, owners of Rock Band for PS3 will have to settle for Rock Band guitars for the foreseeable future.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo