Wii Surpasses Xbox 360 in the UK
And it took just over a year to do it.
In Aesop's race between the tortoise and the hare it was the slow-'n'-steady tenacity of the shelled reptile that ensured it crossed the finish line first. But in the video game hardware race, Nintendo's hare has pulled ahead and shows no signs of napping.
According to the latest figures from research firm Chart Track, the Wii sold 100,000 last week - a figure that was enough to put it ahead of the lifetime sales of the Xbox 360, MCV reports.
The Xbox 360 was released in December 2005 and suffered through Christmas shortages that dragged on into 2006. The Wii travelled a similar path, launching in late 2006, a full year after the Xbox 360, and staying mostly hard-to-get since.
And while the Xbox 360 has endeared itself to the hardcore, the Wii has reached out to the masses, with family friendly fare designed around the idea of games for everyone. It didn't hurt Nintendo that the Wii cost just £180 when it came out, versus the £280 the top model of the Xbox 360 sold for when it debuted.
The Wii is one of the hottest items for this Christmas and with stock once again running low, several retailers in the UK are insisting that buyers pick up bundles including games or accessories. Some buyers are turning to auction sites too.
At eBay, Wiis are readily available and while there is a premium to be paid, in general sellers are lettings systems go for around £200.
In the US, Nintendo has taken more drastic measures to deal with the Christmas heat. The company said last week that it would be running a rain check program with retailer GameStop, where people could pay for a Wii that would be guaranteed for delivery in January.
Even these rain checks, however, will only be available in limited numbers.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo