Far Cry 2 Shoots to Africa - and Consoles
New details emerge as console versions confirmed.
It's coming up on four years since CryTek invited players to don loud Hawaiian shirts for the island-bound shenanigans of Far Cry. The German team's game has already been tapped for a sequel, being worked on by Ubisoft's Montreal studio, and now the publisher has confirmed that there are console versions coming too.
When the PC version of Far Cry 2 was announced last July all Ubisoft would say is that the game would change the shooter landscape in 2008 in the way the original did in 2004. The confirmation of the console versions of the game brings slightly more detail.
For one, the game is set to star a brand new graphics engine to power the promised open world gameplay. The team has also pinned down a location: Africa.
The PC version of Far Cry 2 is due sometime this spring while the console version will be out during Ubisoft's next financial year, which starts on 1 April.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo