News Archive: June 2008
If you missed something, check these archives.
June 30, 2008
It's Kojima's last MGS, but is it a masterpiece or a convoluted mess?
June 18, 2008
We talk to the head of System 3 about his new Ferrari Challenge.
June 10, 2008
It's awesome! Wait, no it's not.
Can Sony's cutesy golf series still excite us?
Still the best thing to play on the train?
We take a crack at Hudson's XBLA shooter.
AM2 tackles the Wii in this arcade port.
Size matters but does this PS2 port?
June 9, 2008
We talk exclusively with the CEO of Ubisoft to discuss a potential future where his company publishes Grand Theft Auto, plus chat about casual games, innovating in the NEXT generation and more.
June 5, 2008
Our definitive review of this anticipated sequel.
Get your hands on one of ten copies of Itagaki's sequel.
June 2, 2008
We catch up with the creator of Ninja Gaiden 2 to find out why this is the final in the series, why he disliked Sigma, and when we'll learn more about Code Cronus and DOA5.