News Archive: October 2008
If you missed something, check these archives.
October 28, 2008
First we were pumped - then less so. Then reassured, and now, decided. Is Fallout 3 megaton or mega letdown?
October 24, 2008
We get to grips with a fresh build of Prince.
We check out the anticipated title in the Command and Conquer franchise and speak with EA's Amir Ajami.
October 22, 2008
We sit down for a chat with Konami's Castlevania man, IGA, to discuss Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia for DS, and the upcoming Wii fighting spin-off Castlevania Judgement.
October 21, 2008
We come back from Africa with a verdict on Ubisoft Montreal's visually astounding shooter.
Here's our definitive verdict on Rockstar's entry into the next-generation Midnight Club series, beginning right here in Los Angeles.
We loved the first game, but does Pacific Rift offer enough new thrills to justify a return visit?
October 20, 2008
No excuses this time - it's judgement day for Lionhead.
Posterchild for "New EA's" focus on quality games?
We're not convinced about the latest Lego offering.
A bit of a disappointment, to be honest.
October 16, 2008
Industry veteran whose career spans from id Software to Take 2 and most recently Gamecock Media, acquired by Southpeak this week. Join us for a revealing chat about what developers really want, Legendary, and even Max Payne 3.
Is the open-world genre big enough for Volition?
October 15, 2008
Famed creator tells Kikizo that the unveiling is not far away, that Microsoft wants it to "shock and awe", and that it will cause controversy for its "politically contentious" nature.
October 14, 2008
Is the game as appealing as Sony's adorable new mascot?
October 13, 2008
Always a pleasure to meet with, Doug Lombardi - owner of The Best Laugh in Gaming - speaks with us about Left 4 Dead and Half-Life 2: Episode Three.
October 10, 2008
We chat with Evolution boys Paul Hollywood and Nigel Kershaw to get the full picture on MotorStorm Pacific Rift.
Is this Sony Japan's first true hit for the PS3? We review the full Blu-ray release of the game.
October 7, 2008
We talk to Ubisoft Shanghai's all-round top-bloke to find out if this really is the war to end all wars.
If you've not yet jumped into music games, Rock Band 2 is the best reason yet to join the party.
The best things are often the most unexpected.
Ian rips into LucasArts' much-hyped debut of Starkiller.
Check out our huge, exclusive interview with SEGA AM2 development boss Makoto Osaki to get the full story on Virtua Fighter 5 Revolution, and various other hot topics.
October 3, 2008
Multiplayer hands-on and Ubisoft chat.
We talk to RedOctane president and co-founder about his remarkable success story, Guitar Hero World Tour, the future of the series and the music game masterplan.
October 1, 2008
Our final hands-on preview of Rockstar's major racing title reveals new tidbits and smashes through multiplayer.
Can Silent Hill still make a noise on current-gen platforms? We discuss with the game's producer.
We stumble our way through a detailed, MMO-flavoured chat with EA Mythic veteran Josh Drescher.