Killzone 2 Reviews Coming February 2
Expect reviews of Killzone 2 from Kikizo and other gaming sites on Monday next week, rather than tomorrow.
Our friends over at Eurogamer have announced they're publishing their review of Killzone 2 tomorrow - however, don't expect too many other to follow suit until Monday next week.
Sony has confirmed to Kikizo that the actual embargo date for Killzone 2 reviews is February 2nd at 5pm UK time - which is 9AM PST. Eurogamer's is going early as they've agreed an exclusive with the publisher. So come Monday, you'll have a full spectrum of reviews to judge the game by before you play it later in the month.
The Kikizo review will also include new media - so look forward to that, as well as other Killzone 2 features.
It's still more than three weeks until launch, so if you missed our unique, ongoing coverage of the PS3 mega-game (which we've been playing very thoroughly in preparation for the review), here's a list of what's on the site now and what's still to come:
This is one of several special Killzone 2 features celebrating one of PS3's biggest games ever. If you've been tracking this huge title, here you can catch up on anything you've missed...
Killzone 2 Coverage Center
• Killzone 2: Exclusive Guerrilla Interview 1: Steven Ter Heide (Producer) & Mathijs De Jonge (Director)
(Sep 7, 2007)
• Killzone 2: Multiplayer Beta Hands-On Preview: Extensive playtest of the latest multiplayer build (13 Nov, 2008)
• Killzone 2: Singleplayer Hands-On (Dec 9, 2008)
• Exclusive Guerilla Interview 2: Eric Boltjes and Angie Smets (Online Multiplayer Producers) (Dec 22, 2008)
• 10 Ways to Not Get Owned in Killzone 2 (Jan 23, 2009)
• Discussion: Killzone 2 Surpasses Target Renders (Jan, 2009)
• Killzone 2: The $545 Press Kit Exposed! (Jan 23, 2009)
• Killzone 2: The Review (Feb 2, 2009)
• Feature: Killzone 2 Successor (Feb 27, 2009)
Killzone 2's out on February 25 in Europe, February 26 in Australia, and February 27 in the US and UK.