News Archive: June 2009
If you missed something, check these archives.
June 30, 2009
We catch up with Steve Nix, Director of Business Development at id Software, on topics including iPhone development, Wolfenstein and idTech 5.
It'll be alright on the night? We go a few rounds with EA Canada's relentlessly pretty virtual punchbag.
June 24, 2009
In-depth chat with executive producer and industry veteran Jonathan Knight, who reveals what makes Dante's Inferno hot - and what he committed to on "day one of the project".
Mario bounces back for a second shot at 2.5D platforming - can Nintendo get it perfect once again?
I ain't afraid of no licensed games! But should we be? Ghosties FINALLY hits the shelves.
June 15, 2009
Naughty Dog's gorgeous action franchise hunts for fresh plunder online, with Kikizo laying down cover fire.
Thought 2D was dead? SNK Playmore has other ideas. Kikizo trades punches with the new King of Fighters.
New balls! Our verdict on Sega's sporty update.
June 11, 2009
We present to you our info-packed, first-hand, behind closed doors impressions of Xbox 360's stunning new killer app, chat to Kudo Tsunoda and Peter Molyneux, and explain why some of its critics are really missing the point.
June 8, 2009
Rockstar gives us an early first look at its stunning, open-world wild west adventure, which unlike the Capcom-inherited original, they've built themselves from scratch.
Our verdict on one of the biggest PC releases this year.
Quite literally putting the colour into World War II: Pandemic's Tom French helps us fight, climb, and race our way through a uniquely stylized version of Nazi-occupied France.
Maxis Executive Producer Morgan Roarty reveals what's in store for Spore, and talks us through Galactic Adventures.