King of Fighters Maximum Impact 2
Some resent the spin-off - are they right to?
 | Version
PS2 | Developer
SNK | Publisher
SNK Playmore / Ignition / Atari | Genre
Fighting |
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"Also impressive is the loading time, which is reduced to seemingly a few seconds each time the disk is accessed."
Animation is silky smooth, and the fighting mechanics are well balanced. Differences over the first Maximum Impact include a new block and parry manoeuvre to combat your opponent's attacks. Also impressive is the loading time, which is reduced to seemingly a few seconds each time the disk is accessed. Play another fighter, such as Smackdown vs. Raw, and the difference sticks out like a sore thumb.
"There is a lot of depth too, with standard modes and a survival mode that adds a neat twist..."
There is a lot of depth too, with the standard story mode, versus and practice modes, and also a challenge mode where you can attempt time attacks (complete seven stages as quickly as possible), survival modes and mission modes. In the latter you're given tasks such as destroying a car or simply using a special move within a time limit. The survival mode also adds a neat twist, since you must defeat a certain number of opponents within a time limit, but you obtain points after each victory which you can spend on either recharging your life, resetting the timer, or increasing your attack strength. Tricky.
"It's a complex and absorbing fighter; what it does well, it does very well. Unfortunately what it does badly, it does very badly."
The KOF series is generally known for its engaging plot and story arcs, and MI2 is no different. It is let down though by a poor script which needs a severe makeover, coupled with terrible voice-acting. In fairness, the script may have been perfectly fine in its original Japanese, but in translation to English it has unfortunately ended up at a half-way house - Engrish, if you will. As whoever translated it would probably say: "your deeds from which you cannot escape" or similar sounding nonsense. Once you've re-translated what is actually being said there is no doubt a decent story here - it's just a shame it has been so badly let down.
But anyway - we'll leave you with what one of the in-game bikini-clad bimbos says - are you going to bless me with the privilege of seeing you in action? Ahh, if only.
Graphics |
Sound |
Gameplay |
Depth |
Presentation |
8.5 |
5.0 |
7.5 |
8.0 |
6.5 |
7.0 |
Graphically lush, a complex and absorbing fighter which might not attract too many new fans but one which regular KOF players will not be disappointed with. It's accomplished and what it does well, it does very well. Unfortunately what it does badly, it does very badly.