Battlefield: Bad Company
DICE's console shooter has teamwork at its heart.
![]() | Version 360, PS3 | Developer DICE | Publisher EA | Genre FPS |
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It's something of a cliche for a predominately console gamer such as myself to say that this or that multiplayer mode provides a cohesive communal experience not common to console games, while PC gamers sneer and think back on their years enjoying just that, but that's a sin that I'll gladly commit here. Even allowing for the relative lack of strategic chatter during the many matches I played online, there was an identifiable feeling of cohesion in the better squads I was part of, with everyone playing a role that would make the task at hand easier for the group as a whole. Yes, there were too many snipers on many occasions, but just as often I was surrounded by a group of people that were determined to beat our joint enemy by relying on solid teamwork.
The battlefield hums with activity no matter whether you're an attacker or a defender and omnipresent vehicles mean that it's possible to move quickly across the battlefield. Just as important as the vehicles is the ability to bring them down, using the wealth of specialized weapons that also help rip apart buildings and anything else accounted for by the game engine. I found that fewer people were yet fully exploiting all that the support roles offer to the experience but also that the experience improved as the days post launch counted up.
One aspect of the multiplayer I appreciated was the ability to switch classes on the fly. Whenever I noticed that there were too many people playing Recon I could simply pick up a Demolitions pack on the field and immediately get stuck in people's faces. The clay is here for players to mold a thrilling experience online. Now all we need is for the servers to stay up long enough for everyone to enjoy the game.
While I enjoy playing games online, given the choice, I would probably rather play through a game's story mode than have to deal with the filth soiling many public game servers. Bad Company has prompted me to reassess that. Even though there are flaws in the game and there could be more variety in its offerings, I enjoyed the online play so much that I only grudgingly played through the singleplayer mode.
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