Sonic Heroes: New Levels Unveiled
The latest in our list of world-first Sega exclusives reveals never-before-seen Sonic Heroes levels in thirty screenshots.
We hope Sega forgives us for spoiling all their fun. AM2 has only just posted the remaining OutRun 2 levels we showed you three weeks ago. But we just can't help ourselves.
This week we were lucky enough to play a near-complete version of Sonic Heroes, complete with all four teams, all the levels, and some stunning full motion video cut-scene sequences - easily Sonic Team's best CGI work ever, you'll be pleased to hear.
After selecting your team, you're treated to a sizable FMV sequence that sets the scene and opens the story for your team. Unfortunately our time with the game was limited, so we didn't actually get to play the previously unseen levels. And to this day Sega have only shown two levels - level one and level seven - along with the special bonus stages.
For the first time, we can show you what some of the other levels look like - and evidently, it would seem things get better further into the game. As predicted, some of the environments in the CGI sequence we showed you recently make their way into the game as playable levels.
Firstly, an air-base style level with close ties to Dr Eggman is present, with huge explosion type action expected towards the end of the level. Visually, the stage is reminiscent of 16-BIT Sonic zones such as Death Egg and Flying Fortress.
A sprawling jungle level, which looks similar to the Green Forest level from Sonic Adventure 2, features vines you can swing from and a lot of grinding (now a common feature in most levels it would seem). Team Dark is also seen gliding from a giant spinning flower in this level.
A big castle level has a dark, spooky feel to it, as you can see from the levels with Team Chaotix characters prancing around, and finally a night time city level can be distinguished with big skyscrapers, cool lighting and perilous drops, as seen in the Team Sonic grabs below.
We've seen snippets of these levels in action but no more at this stage. Needless to say, we'll be the first to bring you more Sonic Heroes goodness - so stay tuned. And click 'more on Sonic Heroes' if you've just joined us - there's probably loads of media you've missed.
Adam Doree
Click here for 18 additional new screens
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