VF Cyber: 47 Screens, Direct Footage
Take a look at this direct feed footage, along with a truckload of new screens that will make you think twice before writing this game off! Plus some artwork.
Virtua Fighter: Cyber Generation, formerly known as Virtua Fighter Quest, looks more promising than it did when it was first unveiled. You may remember earlier this month, we brought you the first footage of the game, from the unveiling conference - but at the request of Sega we had to take it down. True to their word, they've given us a direct feed version of the trailer, which you can download here.
The great thing about the trailer was that, while initial screenshots and details suggested little, if any connection to the VF series fans know and love, the footage revealed pretty much every Virtua Fighter character, plus in-game segments showing the game's hero, Sei, performing a range of Virtua Fighter techniques on enemies in Nexus - the Matrix-like digital world created by J6.
Sei learns techniques from the VF characters themselves who - contrary to what we assumed after Yu Suzuki's intriguing comments in our interview earlier this year - are full-scale, "1:8 head to body" in promotion. It's the game's main characters, Sei, Touka and those they encounter on their adventure, who fit the 1:5 body ratio Suzuki-san mentioned.
Some of the in-game environments look similar to Virtua City as featured in the Virtua Cop series, palm trees included. But other levels look quite different, with an aztec-looking environment even featured. One sequence in the video shows some of these different surroundings in a brief montage.
In the video, Sei is seen with a range of Virtua Fighters including ninja of justice Kage, who is depicted standing atop a dojo mezzanine of sorts, arms folded and partially obscuring the moon - almost as if he's a bad character in the game. There is a mysterious connection between Kage and Dural (who was created by the evil J6 Syndicate central to VFCG's story) according to VF myth.
For the sake of completion we've also included seven hi-res screens that first did the rounds a couple of weeks ago, but we couldn't get hold of until recently. I'm sure these 40 new screens will compensate - and be sure to click on the additional screens link for some nice VFCG character artworks, including VF4's newcomers, Lei Fei and Vanessa.
VFCG is shaping up to be a more exciting game for Sega fans than previously expected after the unveiling. We should enjoy promising AM2 output such as this while we still can.
Adam Doree
Director, Kikizo.com
Click here for 34 additional screens including character artwork
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Virtua Fighter: Cyber Generation
Direct feed game trailer, complete with several VF characters and nice-looking in-game sequences. [480x360, 1500kbps]2.06min