Bungie Talks Halo 3 Testing
It's still a way off, but it sounds like things are coming along well.
Few games can claim to have captured the collective imagination of an audience as well as Halo 3 has. Microsoft said earlier this year that we can expect the Xbox 360 game sometime during 2007, and the latest community update from developer Bungie hints that things are coming along well.
The development team is working hard on both single and multiplayer modes at the moment, says Bungie community manager Frank O'Conner.
"At this point, they're testing out the new AI and encounters as much as anything else," writes O'Conner in the latest update on Bungie's site.
"The graphics range from completely untextured placeholder surfaces to brilliantly lit and detailed objects. But again, this is a gameplay test, not a graphics one. Lots of folks focus on what technology can do for the appearance of a game - but the 360's prodigious horsepower can also be applied to AI - the behaviours, movements and reactions of computer-controlled characters."
O'Conner writes that the team is testing some of the new multiplayer modes for Halo 3. Bungie has kept mum on exactly what these are, but he describes one new mode as "super fun, yet utterly terrifying at the same time".
See our recent preview with HD media here.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games