Sony Confirms PS3 Launch Date, Games
Eight weeks to go until the PS3 arrives and it's bringing nearly three-dozen games with it.
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Four months after delaying the European launch of the PlayStation 3, Sony has confirmed that the console will be out here in late March.
The 60 GB PlayStation 3 will be in stores on 23 March. Bowing to what it calls "consumer and retailer demand", Sony will not be releasing the lower priced 20 GB model until later in the year, "dependent on demand".
The 60 GB model, which includes the WiFi capabilities lacking in the 20 GB version, will sell for €599 on the continent. As reported earlier this month, in Ireland the system will sell for €630, while Britons will pay most of all - £425 (€645). Sony would not comment directly when we asked them what the reason was for the price difference.
Sony hasn't yet confirmed UK prices for peripherals, but the rest of Europe will be able to pick up a spare Sixaxis controller for €50, an HDMI or component cable for €25, and a Blu-ray remote control also for €25.
While the wait has been a long one for prospective early adopters, it does have the side effect of giving Sony time to manufacture more consoles. The company is planning to have a million PS3s ready for Europe over the launch period. Sony hasn't yet said how many of those will be coming to the UK.
Quasi-official Sony blog ThreeSpeech speculated that around 300,000 of those will be available here. The post has since been pulled from the site.
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