NiGHTS 2 for the Wii: First Ever Screens
See what the eagerly awaited sequel looks like on Wii.
Sega has been busy organising the unveiling of the anticipated sequel to NiGHTS: Into Dreams to generate low interest in magazine exclusives, while denying its existence to the people who care most - fans on the internet! Not to worry though: as these shots we've stolen from (apparently) a Portuguese mag show, NiGHTS 2 for the Wii (final name TBC) is looking smart.

As revealed to be on the cards more than three years ago, and as quietly insisted to be true and imminent by Kikizo in recent months, the sequel to the decade-old Sonic Team classic is finally heading to Wii and set to take advantage of the console's (potentially) perfectly suited controller.
And it's an all-new adventure by Sonic Team itself, not a Virtual Console rehash of the original and certainly nothing to do with Yuji Naka's new Prope studio, which is working on original ideas. Under the direction of Sonic Team's Takashi Iizuka, who worked on the original NiGHTS as well as titles like Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog, the game reportedly supports two players and online functionality, and is set for a proper unveiling at the start of April.
We just couldn't resist showing you these screens, even though official ones (and solid info) are probably a matter of days away. Then everyone at Sega can stop pretending it is not being made. It wouldn't be the first time...
I mean, seriously. Remember our Sonic Team interview just ONE MONTH ago? Yojiro Ogawa said, "we currently do not have any plans for NiGHTS." We asked him about it, because we knew that they definitely did have plans, and we wanted to see how he would answer it. We even stated in the article after his answer, "For the record, Kikizo believes that this is categorically not the case. But what were we going to do, start a fight with Mr Ogawa about it?".
So when Whoever-san says that Shenblah this that or the other, you know that sometimes, what a game company says, and what it is actually doing, are not necessarily always the same thing.
Adam Doree
Director, Kikizo