E3 2003: Naka: New Sega Console!
In an interview conducted this afternoon, Yuji Naka revealed that there might be a new Sega console platform. Is this possible? Details inside... [Update here].
NOTE: A follow up to this story has been posted, after Sega confirmed there is no such hardware in development and that Yuji Naka's comments were mistranslated.
However, by far the most alarming thing to come out of the interview was when Yuji Naka began talking about the possibility of a new Sega platform.
Naka was asked whether he missed creating games on a proprietary Sega platform. Through his translator, he said, "yes, I miss that very much. Back then Sega was a little more idolised. When Sega is ready to do with it's own proprietary hardware platform, I will really, definitely want to work on it."
Somewhat shocked by this forward-looking statement, we asked, "Do you think that may happen?"
"In order to realise that, I am working really hard." This suggests in no uncertain terms, that Naka is trying to get executives at SOJ to develop a new hardware platform. Could there perhaps be much more to the recent merger news and speculation that anyone imagined? We pushed for further details...
"Supposing that didn't happen, and Sega's medium-term fate was some kind of merger along the lines we've been hearing the past few months. Who would you like to see them merge with, if they had to merge?"
Naka hesitated, and began to speak - but before he finished, we were interrupted by the SOJ representative who said that Naka was not allowed to answer that question. Naka looked slightly uncomfortable about this, as did everyone else present... despite the nature of our question having been deliberately based on what Naka's opinion might be, not actual facts. Perhaps he was about to inadvertently spill some confidential beans...
We should make clear that the Japanese translator seemed very competent - she effectively conveyed the meaning of our questions to Naka-san, and mostly delivered clear, coherent meaning back in Naka's answers. She had a clear understanding of the people, brands and concepts that are specific to the games industry. The future tense here was unquestionably intentional.
Now, whilst we can report what was actually said and be 100% sure about it, what it actually means is anyone's guess. At the least, it could just be that Naka wishes there would be another Sega platform. It could be that Naka-san was just in crazy-mode. At best, it might mean Sega have done some kind of Nikkei super-move, and acquired loads of cash to do a new machine. But somehow, we highly doubt it's the latter...
Nonetheless, the most clear statement of all this was that Naka said he is "working hard" to make it a reality - and there's only so much interpretation this statement is left open to.
We then decided to swiftly change the subject and talk about Sonic Heroes again. We will of course make this full interview available in video download, so you can see for yourself who actually said what.
Naka also stated that Sonic Adventure 2 was the last in the Sonic Adventure series, and that Sonic Heroes was a brand new title that has nothing to do with the Adventure series, other than some elements of the storyline.
We'll be bringing you the video interview in full asap, along with a deadly onslaught of full quality E3 media - completely free, of course. Also look forward to hot interviews with GT4 producer Kazunori Yamauchi, Naughty Dog President Jason Rubin, and SCEI President Ken Kutaragi - aka, the Father of PlayStation.
Earlier today we were fortunate enough to sit down for an extensive chat with Yuji Naka, President of the Sonic Team and creator of Sega's new titles, Sonic Heroes and Billy Hatcher. A number of interesting points were discussed, including these two new titles specifically.