Gaming in 2009: 21 Things We Missed!
If our list of 50 of the hottest releases, events, unveilings and announcements scheduled in 2009 wasn't enough, thank the internet's gaming forums, friendly publisher PRs and our own grey matter for an additional helping of 21...
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Bizarre Creations' next two titles
TBC 2009
Oh Bizarre, how we've loved racing through the world of gaming with you. We remember visiting your Liverpool to see the early build of Metropolis Street Racer before the Dreamcast was even launched; we remember driving through Manhattan (while actually in Manhattan) on its Xbox super-upgrade Project Gotham Racing, we remember seeing your racing spectacle scaled up to next generation in PGR3 and then mastered in PGR4. Well, party's over on that particular front. Now you're owned by Activision, Shane Kim's as good as told us he'll probably get his Forza boys at Turn 10 to take over the Gotham franchise at some point. But it's OK. We know you've still got your thang. And we know you've got at least two Activision blockbusters in the pipeline for us. If one of them is some sort of James Bond driving game then that's fine by us, and we can't wait to see them unveiled. Go Bizarre! -AD
TBC 2009 (PC, unconfirmed for Xbox 360, PS3)
The "bastard child" of Crackdown creator David Jones's glittering 20 year output (he did the original GTA, you know),All Points Bulletin is a massively multiplayer experience which demands reflexes rather than patience, a steady aim rather than a stoneclad attention span. Players wage war over a beat-up online metropolis in the name of two factions, the Enforcers or the Criminals, with several sub-factions per side. As in the bloodthirsty Warhammer Online, everything you do in APB factors into that central conflict. There are no consequence-free 'neutral' quests: rob a liquor store to shore up your cash flow and the game will text, email or otherwise summon Enforcers of an equivalent level to do battle. Realtime Worlds claims it'll be out this year, but the game's low profile is a tad worrisome. How about some more of that foxy concept art, Dave? -EET
Star Wars: The Old Republic
TBC 2009
Some are saying this has the potential to rub shoulders with the success of World of Warcraft in the MMO arena, being as it's developed by the fantastic BioWare and, well, is based on Star Wars. We'll have to see. I actually sat down with BioWare CEO Dr Ray Muzyka on Monday just gone (interview up soon, last one with him here) and this is what he had to say about The Old Republic: "It's going really well. Our Austin team's working on it with LucasArts, a great partner, in the Star Wars universe. It's going to be an MMO which has the best-of-breed features from a lot of the other MMOs - exploration, progression, customisation and good combat - but also, story, in a multiplayer setting - so strong story arcs for you as a character in the Star Wars universe, and in a social space." Exciting stuff. -AD