Gaming in 2009: 21 Things We Missed!
If our list of 50 of the hottest releases, events, unveilings and announcements scheduled in 2009 wasn't enough, thank the internet's gaming forums, friendly publisher PRs and our own grey matter for an additional helping of 21...
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Batman: Arkham Asylum
TBC 2009 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
This could be the stellar Batman videogame we've all been waiting for. The Joker has taken over the show at island-bound Arkham Asylum, and he's invited Bruce Wayne's vigilante alter ego over for a tea party. Having thrown together a provisional Bat Cave somewhere on Arkham, the Dark Knight sets out to explore it in its open-ended entirety, conducting high-tech forensic investigations with CSI-esque gadgets and, of course, getting a bit hot-tempered with the Joker's goons. While he's got a physique to rival a forklift truck, Batman is no Kratos: players must shock and confuse their opponents to offset the weight of numbers, or stalk and incapacitate individual men rather than risking total conflict. Rounding out the cast of super-baddies are the Riddler, Bane and Killer Croc. Arkham Asylum's more exciting inspirations include The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and Bioshock. -EET
Tekken 6
Q3 2009 (PS3, 360)
Anyone who knows me knows that I hold Virtua Fighter in god-like regard, and I'm also pumped about Street Fighter IV arriving on consoles next month too. But I'll admit that it was a bit unfair to include VF5R as an entry in our Top 50 when it's not even confirmed for a console release as yet, when good old Namco has its own fully-power Tekken sequel to launch on Xbox 360 and PS3 (much) later this year. I've always been on the VF side of the fence but having checked out the arcade version of Bloodline Rebellion (which the console version will be based on) with series bigwig Harada-san last month, there's little doubt that all fans will be really pleased with the final release. Sweet 60fps graphics and environments that take the series' previous entries to the cleaners, as well as the fullest character roster to date, are all things to look forward to. -AD
The Sims 3
Feb 2009 (PC)
Kikizo's mild apathy notwithstanding, The Sims games have done rather well for themselves over the years. In fact, we're not sure any franchise has done better. From its inaugural isometric appearance in 2000 through numerous expansion packs to the fully 3D trappings of The Sims 2, Emery, California-based Maxis' definitive simulation has clocked up over 100 million unit sales worldwide, making it by far the most successful PC series ever made. The Sims 3 has a lot to live up to, but whether it revolutionises or bombs, it's bound to be one of the events of 2009. -EET