Gaming in 2009: 21 Things We Missed!
If our list of 50 of the hottest releases, events, unveilings and announcements scheduled in 2009 wasn't enough, thank the internet's gaming forums, friendly publisher PRs and our own grey matter for an additional helping of 21...
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Wii Sports Resort
Q2 2009 (Wii)
Sometimes we give the Wii a bit of a hard time, but that's only because of the ocean of thirdparty me-too software and cynical shovelware tat that fills up the shelves of way too many a game store. But the fact is that it's doing great things for the games business in hard times, and there's been no better icon for Ninty's own instantly accessible mass-market line-up than Wii Sports. The sequel, Wii Sports Resort, is scheduled for release this year, and as well as delighting the family with ten sporting additions such as Jet Skiing and Kendo, the beach-based follow-up will also be compatible with Wii MotionPlus, which could bring an end to the losing player's argument about the controls not working as they intended. -AD
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2
23 Feb 2009 (US) (PC)
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is ONLY WAR. Nope, no base-building. No unit production. No pansy running around picking up resource points. ONLY WAR. Relic's second foray into the exceedingly shouty Warhammer universe takes a few cues from Company of Heroes, with the player given command of a few, persistent Space Marine squads rather than constructing an army from scratch. Squads have their own combat specialities, unkillable leaders and upgrading arsenals. Levels are short but super-sweet and there's a newfound taste for seeking cover, especially during those boss battles. That's the single player, anyway - darkly muttering disciples of old school RTS can look forward to the online mode, which restores the bases, factories and resources. The complete package should have something for everyone, whether you're fresh off-world or a couple of chainsword swipes short of that honourable discharge. -EET
Dante's Inferno
TBC 2009 (PS3, 360)
One of the most gratifying things to see in gaming last year was the drive and determination of EA to bring to market some genuine, new brands and IP. Gambling with shareholders' patience and taking some uncharacteristic risks, the publisher put out hits such as Dead Space, Mirror's Edge and Spore, and while all three of those will definitely be coming back soon, EA is continuing to invest in even more fresh material. This year, its Redwood Shores studio will introduce Dante's Inferno, a third-person action adventure intriguingly based on one of the most epic poems ever penned - The Divine Comedy - by Italian inkyfingers Dante Alighieri in the 1300s. We're not sure what to expect, but we've got a warm feeling when it comes to EA getting out there and trying new things. -AD