March 31, 2004
The intriguingly enigmatic 'Room' returns in another wave of scary screenshots.
A selection of new screens from the 3D rendition of SNK's King of Fighters franchise.
Any old excuse to get the girls from S Club 7 up on the site at Kikizo. Today - five new screens from Sony's SingStar.
Sega's After Burner II was one of the coolest arcade games back in the day - and it still is, proves Sega with its Ages-2500 series remake for PlayStation 2.
Sony's Rise to Honour hits UK shelves in little over a week. A final bunch of screens, before our imminent full review.
Sony Computer Entertainment took the initiative to ask some horror experts if they think Forbidden Siren is scary.
Our review of Crimson Skies is almost as delayed as the game was itself. We've finally taken it for a spin to see if Microsoft has come up with the goods.
March 30, 2004
We offer up the first details, screens and first ever video footage of the latest KOF for PS2, the first in the series designed purely for the home console - in 3D.
Take a "flowery fresh" look at brand new footage of Nintendo's Pikmin 2, complete with soothing Japanese voiceover.
March 25, 2004
Flying through the air without the aide of a breeze, Mighty Mouse, er, Astro Boy dispatches his enemies with ease. We go hands-on with Sega's latest PS2 offering.
Namco's unique sci-fi action-thriller is here. We've smashed through the game in order to provide a complete, er, 'breakdown'. Includes new direct feed videos!
Yet another wave of Sudeki screens, as Climax's Xbox RPG nears completion - check them now!
Nintendo producer Eiji Aonuma confirmed that The Wind Waker 2 will be at Nintendo's Pre-E3 conference in May. Plus - Nintendo DS Zelda?
We can't wait to get our hands on with this Rockstar title next week - in the meantime, here are 24 new screens and a brand new trailer!
Bioware release a new set of screens from the forthcoming Xbox RPG in San Jose.
Take a look at these brand new - and highly interesting - screens from The Sims 2: Body Shop from EA.
We deliver up our full review of Tecmo's Crimson Butterfly, aka Fatal Frame 2. Featuring "pre-teen" schoolgirls made to look like 20 year-olds, just to confuse you!
Leveraging the popularity of its theme park attractions, Disney brought us Pirates of the Caribbean and now, The Haunted Mansion. We step warily forth...
March 24, 2004
The first shots in the next-gen battle have officially been fired - full report from GDC, plus first ever screens and direct feed videos from astounding new tech demos!
March 23, 2004
Brand new screenshots from the world's first online 3D fighting game, featuring everyone's favourite fighting chick, Kasumi!
New screens have emerged - apparently scanned - from Sony London's The Getaway 2. We "investigate". See them now.
More arrivals from new screenshot land, this time from Shigeru Miyamoto's uber-lovable Pikmin sequel.
Ten screens taken from recently published footage - albeit from six month old code - gossip inside! Stay tuned for much more.
March 22, 2004
Guerrilla will start working exclusively on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable games soon - hot details inside!
Er, right. A series of new screens from the id Software super sequel for consumption.
Shinji Mikami's "other" big title gets the new screens treatment with 18 interesting pics, including in-game.
And they don't even need the excuse of "launch date confirmed!" for the occasion! My they must be feeling generous. Or threatened?
It's coming to Europe on May 14, but SCEA confirmed to us there are still no plans for a North American release.
March 19, 2004
Exclusive - SCEE has decided to release Gran Turismo 4 Prologue in Europe, with some extra features. Hot details inside!
Our full preview for the forthcoming, truly brand new Final Fantasy adventure contains new screens and the awesome, direct feed trailer!
Impressive new screens from Hitman: Contracts, along with the second part of "Psychology of the Assassin".
Sega Europe today announced it will be distributing Seven Samurai 20XX, a third-person action game developed by Sammy and inspired by Akira Kurosawa's "The Seven Samurai". First details and screens inside.
The original stood out as a shining light in the murky waters that is PS2 online gaming. Now, Sony's flagship online title gets a sequel and we tell you how it fares.
The third instalment of Eidos' Thief series is upon us - here are some fresh screens and hot new details.
Pandora Tomorrow is nearly here. Here are five new screens today, as Microsoft announces a new Live bundle for the UK market. Plus - exciting multiformat UK/US release date guide!
New gameplay videos added to our review page.
It's time to listen to that voice in your head and kill loads of people again - this time on Xbox! Brand new screens of the mainstream media's favourite game.
An upbeat Nintendo Europe follows Microsoft's lead and starts giving away loads of money, presumably not to look cheap.
Smarter, Faster, Deadlier. Microsoft today announced the latest Unreal title - details inside.
Microsoft updates its snowboarding franchise with new gameplay and online play, but is it enough to become king of the hill?
March 17, 2004
At last... those jaw-dropping Resident Evil 4 screens are here in glorious hi-res (in the 'regular 640' sense). You must see these.
Take a look at sixteen stunning new Metal Gear Solid 3 screens of Snake in the jungle - in our special "actually viewable" format! Plus exciting new gameplay details.
VU Games announced today it will be handling Konami's PC titles in North America, while securing a new agreement with Radical Entertainment.
The game provisionally known as Nina has been renamed to include the Tekken moniker. How well, is another matter. Plus - Tekken 5 at E3?
March 15, 2004
Another set of stunning screenshots, renders and character artwork from DOA Ultimate, which isn't out now until Summer. Includes Kasumi's sexy Santa outfit!
Codemasters announce IndyCar Series 2005 for Xbox and PS2 - first screens and details inside.
Sucker Punch Productions and Sony release the first details and screens from Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
Another batch of screens from Sudeki, before our imminent full blown video interview and feature.
Check out these latest screens from the third Hitman game from Eidos and IO Interactive.
March 11, 2004
Team Ninja's much-anticipated action bonanza was destined to make waves, but does it live up to the hype? Our full review includes staggering new screens and gameplay videos.
We've got the official line on how and why Ninja Gaiden will be censored for its Euro release.
Sega's classic beat-em up receives a next-gen revival on the Playstation 2, so how was the trip from 1989 to 2003? Find out what was lost.
Sega's classic Space Harrier is reborn in the next-generation, but are the enhancements enough to appeal to today's gamers?
March 10, 2004
And, says the platformer gamer's champion, he will endeavour to make big waves in the development scene after finishing Jak III.
Take 2 and Argonaut team up to bring a fresh take on the water racing genre to European shores next week. Screens and video inside.
The latest bunch of screens from Driver 3.
Rockstar's Max Payne arrives in Europe on handheld format, and it's not half bad. Plus: Max Payne 3 confirmed.
March 9, 2004
Toca bout stunning! Codies' new racing sim takes pole position as the best looking racer on Xbox, with the most convincing damage system ever. Must read, watch, race!
The Sony Computer Entertainment PR machine is in full swing, as these latest teaser screenshots indicate. More soon.
Maximo returns, offering players a glimpse of the sort of difficulty that was commonplace in the burgeoning years of the industry.
The third in Eidos and Io Interactive's deadly franchise is upon us, as these vids demonstrate.
March 5, 2004
A flash memory firm in a relationship with Microsoft has told a newspaper that its storage media will be the only storage inside Xbox 2... thrilling details inside!
First official in-game screens from Resident Evil 4, which if you believe the hype, will eclipse the entire genre the series sparked in the first place. Capcom on a roll.
Latest screens and fresh details on wild west gun slinging action in Rockstar's Red Dead Revolver, which should actually come out soon!
Take Two today announced the next Serious Sam title, to be published on PS2 and GameCube under the Global Star brand. First screens inside.
March 4, 2004
The third and final chapter of Capcom's venerable Onimusha series is nearly here. We pull ourselves away from the game to bring you impressions and direct feed videos.
March 2, 2004
Midway officially announces the sixth MK game and releases a teaser trailer. Get it inside.
Just for fun, a selection of new screens from EA's impressive-looking Burnout 3.
Fresh from its EA TimeSplitters 3 deal, UK-based Free Radical unveils a second shooter known as Second Sight. Screens and details.
Acclaim and Gusto Games take the Beautiful Game to the not-so-beautiful city streets. And Kikizo tags along for the ride.
The next GTA was announced yesterday, and the logo turned up today. San Andreas is coming exclusively to PS2 this October!
Kemco ceded the UK publishing rights to Capcom. Kikizo determines whether or not Capcom have a hit on their hands in our full review.
Can the surprise hit original foster an equally superb sequel? Come on in and check out the details.
March 1, 2004
First ever footage from the must have PS2 shooter this year - of the glorious, hi-res and direct feed variety.
Sega's classic Virtua Racing comes to PlayStation 2 as part of the Sega Ages 2500 series. We've got a copy and bring you these impressions, screens and hi-res videos. Is it finally arcade perfect?
Tecmo's massively anticipated Ninja Gaiden hits US stores tomorrow, and before we deliver up the full review, we take you through our impressions and show you just how amazing the game looks in some new videos and screens.