August 29, 2003
This year's European Computer Trade Show has come to a close. Here we summarise our impressions of what was on offer. PSP news included.
While we're busy editing a truckload of new hi-res Ghosthunter gameplay videos, take a look at these latest 24 screenshots released by SCEE.
The timeless franchise is here for yet another round, and this one has it all. Football fans everywhere are going to get what they paid for, and then some. Come on in and check it out.
Sony were kind enough to send out six new GT4 screens to mark the game's PlayStation Experience consumer debut.
Reflections and Atari show a disappointingly short 45 second video at ECTS, but the new screenshots look pretty damn hot.
Some of the most impressive Mario Kart screens yet have been released by Nintendo, to celebrate their ECTS showing of the game.
Take a look at some brand new screenshots of Konami's promising Metal Gear Solid 3 for PS2, as well as MGS Twin Snakes for GameCube.
UbiSoft release a set of gorgeous new screenshots to celebrate the game's showing at ECTS.
Stylish cel-shaded firstperson shooter gets new screens, picks up a few awards at this year's ECTS.
August 27, 2003
Fantastic new hi-res Sonic Heroes footage and a set of 32 devastating new screens await. Take a look!
August 21, 2003
Naka's exemplary platform-action game hatches new footage, rendered sequences and new characters. See it all here.
Check out seven direct feed, 640x480 videos of the gorgeously detailed Colin McRae Rally 04 in action on Xbox.
Unsurprisingly, Bizarre Creations' latest batch of Gotham screens look even better than the last set. You must see these.
August 19, 2003
Infinium Labs have lifted the lid on the mysterious Phantom console, with online game delivery playing an integral part in the system. Details, screens, and video.
Atari have released new screens from their 'other' licensed T3 game, War of the Machines for the PC - take a look inside.
Be werry, werry quiet. We're hunting terrorists. Kikizo takes a look at PS2's recently released premier online launch title.
August 15, 2003
Our impressions of Doom 3 multiplayer, the new features, and why a change of attitude might help Doom 3 to compete with its rivals.
ATI and Microsoft announce what most analysts already knew - ATI will be at the heart of Xbox 2 graphics technology. New details inside.
BioWare and LucasArts bring you one of the most anticipated Star Wars games ever. We collect our thoughts and write them down, in our full review!
August 12, 2003
Sony Computer Entertainment's Silent Hill clone will be at the PlayStation Experience to make its world debut. Details inside.
The mythical Cell chip is said to be entering production in 2004, much earlier than anticipated. What does it mean for PS3?
From the makers of Sega Rally comes Initial D: Special Stage, combining fast arcade thrills with a super successful anime franchise. Read our full review.
With EA no longer at the helm, Kikizo takes Sony's now-exclusive F1 racing title for a spin. Find out if it's any good right here.
Aska and Ice show off their destructive wares and feminine wilds in Konami's futuristic sci-fi action game, CY Girls. Here's our hands-on preview.
Namco's quirky I-Ninja is set to turn gamers upside down in a variety of ways this fall for the GameCube, X-box, and PS2.
Factor 5's latest venture into the Star Wars universe is looking quite impressive. Here's our hands-on with the third in the Rogue Squadron series.
According to Famitsu, Japanese publishers are lining up some killer titles for this year's TGS, including Virtua Fighter Quest from Sega.
Five new screens, to go with the first set of five and the second set of six. A colection is building here.
Several new screenshots from Tecmo's exciting ninja action title.
August 8, 2003
Satoru Iwata has made more interesting remarks about next-generation Nintendo hardware. Here's the latest.
The new President of Hitmaker's Hitmaker Studio speaks about her history at the firm, and her new plans at the studio.
We delve once more into the world of Silent Hill, and return with the verdict, a little bloodied and a lot wiser.
Dress up Square's Angels in the first ever direct Final Fantasy sequel. Here's our full preview of FFX-2.
Fast and furious arcade racers always have the potential to be wildly entertaining, but can this highly anticipated sequel charge up the adrenaline level? Come on in to find out.
August 5, 2003
Twenty eight sun-kissed and gob-smacking new Gotham 2 screens, including the first in-game shots.
New screens from the game that, as we're often reminded, is the first ever online 3D fighting game. Plus latest DOA news round-up.
Is this supposed to be a proper sequel or something? Hold on - yes, it is actually - so take a look at the third, and perhaps final PSO title.
Imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Pah, not for Capcom, when everyone else imitates the slick style Devil May Cry. Take Namco's Spawn for example...
Sweettooth and company take their first tentative steps online. Kikizo brings you the lowdown on their exploits.
Wario has always been used to fill the guest spots in Mario titles. But times are changing - could Wario could be a superstar in his own right?
August 4, 2003
Take a look at these pretty new screens from Killzone, the 'Halo beater' announced by Sony last week. Plus - new details ahoy!
Six new screens from AM2's Outrun 2 have emerged, showing off some impressive new graphical detail. Take a look.
August 1, 2003
SCEE finally annouced Killzone this morning. Take a look at five lovely screenshots and the first, official details./span>
Eidos today unveiled a new logo, claiming it brings a new era and identity to their business.
Acclaim brings its own group of bikini girls out to play. How do they shape up to Tecmo's lovelies? Oh - and how's the game?