December 31, 2007
Join us as we take a look back at all the big stories that made 2007 one of the most exciting yet for games.
December 26, 2007
We pick our best games for the year. How many of them did you play?
December 18, 2007
The big man on campus tops a Nintendo-riddled chart.
And it took just over a year to do it.
First screen and details for EALA's PC and console FPS.
December 17, 2007
British ratings board unhappy with the verdict recently passed down in Rockstar's favour.
And the non-game bits could be the ticket.
December 14, 2007
Reprieve for those looking for a Wii, at least in the US.
Super Mario Galaxy and Call of Duty 4 keep Americans amused around Thanksgiving.
December 13, 2007
Community manager gets tongues wagging.
Altair's adventure is even more popular than many people (including its creators) thought it would be.
Harmonix isn't happy that Activision is blocking its Rock Band update.
December 12, 2007
Meanwhile, Microsoft says that the Xbox 360 is under sales pressure too.
Not long now until you can get hands-on with the teaser.
Enter Criterion's open-world racer at midnight.
December 11, 2007
BBFC responds to Kikizo on verdict, sets out options, which include a further appeal to the High Court.
Slow start for Sony's new PS3 game. Meanwhile Mass Effect sinks further still.
December 10, 2007
Prey developer and 2K Games' boxing game to feature a deep career mode. First details.
We know it's coming, now there are hints that Activision has handed the series back to Treyarch.
Rising Star Games reportedly decides against bringing the violent version to the UK.
If you weren't bothered about Rockstar's racing series before, you will be now that's it's been totally reinvented for next-gen consoles and looks truly stunning.
Sony's treasure hunter finds gold for the PS3.
Is this Microsoft's best title all year?
Is this the real must-have on Christmas Day?
We had high hopes for this. Were they met?
Real-life London is only marginally less scary.
It's another decent new SOCOM for the PSP.
Come on Spidey - give us a decent game?
Does this adventure do anything to revive Crash?
December 7, 2007
High-defintion Move Up, Ladies trailer and screens inside.
But you'll have to wait until the new year to play it.
Stay calm, Nintendo fans. The worst has not yet come to pass.
December 6, 2007
First details for Capcom's long-awaited fighter sequel.
It appears that we may be waiting until next summer for the fighter. Wii, DS release lists inside.
December 5, 2007
Incentive to upgrade or merely perks for subscribers?
One of several games he's working on for Sony. New screens.
EA's football game leaps to the front for 2007.
We interview two game prodigies, Alexey Pajitnov & Henk Rogers, whose fascinating story behind Tetris goes right to the top of NCL - with plenty of twists along the way.
December 4, 2007
Xbox Live video expansion arriving in December. Full day-one release list inside.
But it's 18-month-old Brain Training for the DS that's the most popular single-format title.
Now you can get the whole picture of the horror shooter.
December 3, 2007
Good news if you're a shareholder, but what does the coming together mean for everyone else?
PC patch and Xbox 360 DLC coming soon.
On a swanky press trip, we met with Naughty Dog game director Amy Henning, for a detailed behind-the-scenes interview feature on the epic new PS3 adventure.