December 31, 2006
We take a look back at the highlights, lowlights and things we'd rather just forget about the past year.
December 22, 2006
Join us as we look back at the best games of what has turned out to be an exciting year.
Free Xbox Live Marketplace goodies to see you through the holidays.
December 21, 2006
Just as it did with previous GBA instalments, Nintendo will crack down if it feels it needs to.
The DS is on top, but Sony is quite happy with the way the PSP has been doing.
Series creator says we can expect much more from the Square Enix-Disney mish-mash next year.
We hate to say we told you so, but VF5 is coming to Xbox 360 - some exclusive tidbits inside.
December 20, 2006
Find out all about the Brutes in Bungie's 7-minute preview video up now on the Marketplace.
The only place you're going to find Snake's next-gen adventure is on the PS3 - or so it seems.
Little to look forward to until nearly March for Wii owners, but the DS is looking healthy.
December 19, 2006
Link's new adventure on Wii is one of his best yet. Find out why in our extensive review.
Tasty competition for a New Year treat could bag you a sexy white PSP with the hottest new golf sim around.
Kikizo sits down with Ubisoft to discuss Red Steel and the part Nintendo had in its genesis.
And people have already spend hundreds of thousands of hours playing them online.
The momentum of the mainstream pushes EA's footballer into the top spot before Christmas.
December 18, 2006
Series producer Koji Igarashi tells Kikizo about his new game, getting his old one on Xbox Live Arcade, and why making a 2D console game isn't likely.
Square Enix finds another teat.
Victory for Tim Schafer as his Xbox cult-hit and dozens more get playable on Microsoft's new one.
December 15, 2006
And Epic talks about upcoming downloadble content too.
If you don't know your own strength (or how to tie a strap), you're going to want to read this.
The movie adaptations continue with Sega picking popular developer to FPSify.
Exclusive video interview feature with Konami's Castlevania main man, Koji Igarashi, and composer Michiru Yamane.
December 14, 2006
Ubisoft's hard-kept secret lies in tatters thanks to Veronica Mars star Kristen Bell. Needless to say, there are spoilers within.
Two new first-party games coming in the next couple months. Hooray.
The company says its stock issues are resolved and it could still meet its year-end targets.
December 13, 2006
If you want to believe Sony, the PlayStation 3 really will be here in March, and the rumours be damned.
Obsidian jumps from Star Wars to Alien in its romp through the sci-fi classics.
Company admits that the series has strayed recently and explains how Rainbow Six: Vegas will fix that.
December 12, 2006
The final word on Rainbow Six in this exclusive launch interview feature. Viva Las Vagas!
We take on the yakuza with Ubisoft's Stephanie Langlois, to find out why Red Steel's an essential Wii purchase.
Britons swarm to Nintendo's new system as the company prepares to expand its back catalogue.
Square Enix surprises everyone by skipping over Wii and PS3 and taking its bellwether series to Nintendo's portable.
Link leads the Wii charge, but a too-small installed base means he falls short of the throne.
December 11, 2006
First screens and details for Ubisoft's sequel to hit shooter GRAW, due next year.
Twilight Princess could soon be joined by another Link adventure, if a new report is true. Also, word of a Phantom Hourglass delay.
December 8, 2006
The future is now for Nintendo fans as the Wii finally arrives in the UK and across Europe.
December 7, 2006
Getting hold of Nintendo's new console is not going to be easy, so some people are hitting the streets early.
Whether or not you think Wii Sports is 'free' should really depend on how good or bad it is.
Are things dragon' on a bit? Lair's find out!
A new console and a new team breathe life back into Ubisoft's popular shooter.
Latest in Namco's tabletop RTS arrives on PC.
December 6, 2006
The Man of Steel won't survive this insult.
A couple of years in the making is... unleashed.
Find your new life on Xbox 360 with Rare.
Time for our verdict on Mizuguchi's PSP sequel.
How does Neversoft's western survive on PSP?
Company execs beam with confidence that the Xbox 360 is on track to hit its next major milestone this year.
Europeans have been waiting more than a decade for this particular episode in the series, so a few more months won't hurt.
A Wii-exclusive entry in the snowboarding series is coming to Nintendo's new system next year.
December 5, 2006
Satoru Iwata says the release of the Wii has not had much effect on the portable juggernaut that is the DS.
New trailer debuts as beta sign-ups begin in Europe.
The popular football series defies bookmakers' predictions and spends another week on top.
December 4, 2006
Another smooth launch for Nintendo as thousands of Japanese line up for the Wii.
How much can you trust someone who is obviously drunk? Answer that, then see what David Jaffe had to say about Kratos' next game.
EA's bafflingly popular racing series is again being eyed as the game to beat this Christmas.
December 1, 2006
Microsoft talks about the upcoming multiplayer beta and the new commercial too. New CG screen inside.
Demo to be made available as a free download while Polyphony turns to Gran Turismo 5.