E3 2003: Video Coverage Blowout
Over three hours of high-quality video from the best games at E3, including a number of hot exclusives. If you think you've seen everything worth seeing from this year's E3, think again. Oh, and they're all FREE!
E3 2003: After the Show
We conclude our E3 coverage with a special report on the show that offered unprecedented sequelitis, but also industry reassurance with titles of undeniably high quality. Photos and vids included.
Yuji Naka Video Interview
The President of Sega's Sonic Team speaks out about Sonic Heroes, Billy Hatcher, racing games, Sony PSP and Nokia's N-Gage. A video feature not to be missed.
Kaz Yamauchi Video Interview
The creator of the Gran Turismo series sits down to discuss GT4 and his hopes for this potent sequel. Full video interview.
Jason Rubin Video Interview
The creator of Jak & Daxter and Crash Bandicoot speaks in a 35 minute video interview - including gossip and details not to be missed!
Nokia N-Gage Video Interview
We give Nokia's Ilkka Raiskinen a grilling about N-Gage, rivals, price, specs and more...
E3 2003: The Babes of E3
Here's our round up of the hottest booth babes from this year's E3. Take a look if you dare...
Halo 2: Direct Feed Gameplay
Finally, you can watch the full nine minute gameplay demo of Halo 2 in stunning direct feed quality. Watch immediately.
E3 2003: Gran Turismo 4 Hands-On
Fresh from our video interview with Kaz, here are our definitive hands-on impressions on GT4 - is it really what everyone's hoping for? Includes tons of media.
E3 2003: Mario Kart Hands-On
Full impressions from GameCube Mario Kart, along with some new E3 screens and impressive direct feed videos.
E3 2003: Ratchet & Clank 2 Hands-On
Full gameplay impressions from Insomniac's gorgeous Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando. New screens and vids included.
E3 2003: Jak II: Renegade Hands-On
Naughty Dog's Jak II sequel is better than the original - but how much better? We investigate in our E3 playtest. New screens and vids included.
E3 2003: Ninja Gaiden Impressions
Our impressions from Itagaki-san's gameplay demonstrations at the Microsoft and Tecmo booths. New screens and video inside.
E3 2003: Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Check out Rare's imaginative and splendid-looking first Xbox title in 18 lovely screenshots - plus all the details you need.
E3 2003: Fable: Eyes-On Impressions
Fable offers a living, breathing world where your actions influence who you become and how others treat you - sounds familiar, right? Here are our impressions.
E3 2003: Dead or Alive Online
Here are the first screens and official details from the first ever online 3D fighting game, as a follow up to our direct feed video from last month.
E3 2003: StarFox 2: Screens & Details
Twelve screens from GameCube's StarFox sequel, plus the first details.
E3 2003: Downhill Domination
Check out the first screens from Downhill Domination, which we accidentally missed out last month.
E3 2003: Viewtiful Joe Hands-On
One of E3's most refreshingly good titles was Capcom's Viewtiful Joe. To say that we were impressed would be an understatement. Come inside for the details.
E3 2003: A Fresh Look at Ghosthunter
One of Sony's biggest fothcoming titles is Ghosthunter - the innovative survival horror adventure from the developers of Primal. Take a look at these impressive new screens.
E3 2003: Dog's Life: New Screens
Take a look at twenty new screens of Sony's Dog's Life - including the amusing 'smellovision' mode in action.
E3 2003: Destruction Derby Arenas
More in today's screenshot frenzy - SCE Europe's DD Arenas is shaping up quite nicely, as you can see in these new screens - including multiplayer mode.
E3 2003: Rise to Honor: First Screens
Although we had footage from E3, we kind of 'forgot' the screenshots from Jet Li's first videogame. So here they are.
E3 2003: Vectorman Hands-On
Many console generations ago, a smoothly animated orbot known as Vectorman graced our 16-BIT Sega console to clear up planet Earth. Now he's back on PS2.
E3 2003: Syphon Filter Hands-On
Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain marked our first venture into the bioterrorism world of Syphon Filter - and we came away satisfied with what I experienced. Find out why inside.
E3 2003: Enter the Matrix
Atari's Enter the Matrix has been hyped more than the Moon landing and cost more to make happen too. But is any of it justified? Not quite. Find out why.
E3 2003: Metroid Prime 2 Screens
Here are ten clean screenshots of the much anticipated Metroid Prime 2, which was unveiled briefly at Nintendo's E3 Conference.
E3 2003: Castlevania Hands-On
Koji Igarashi brings the legendary Castlevania series into 3D, properly. Check out our impressions from the show.
E3 2003: Sonic DX Hands-On
The 'Directors Cut' of the original Sonic Adventure is coming to GameCube. It looks better and it has loads of classic 8-BIT Sonic titles hidden inside. What more do you need?
E3 2003: WrestleMania XIX Hands-On
WrestleMania XIX isn't the wrestling game to die for, but it's fun nonetheless. Here's out hands-on report from THQ's E3 stand.
E3 2003: WWE RAW 2 Hands-On
Cover your eyes kiddies cause this isn't going to be pretty. WWE RAW 2: Ruthless Aggression gets an E3 showing - and we are not happy.
E3 2003: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Square Enix's exclusive GameCube FF title doesn't exactly provide the impact of PS2's titles in the series. We took a cloer look anyway. Screens and video included.
E3 2003: Arc the Lad Hands-On
Sony's Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits is a quaint little turns-based RPG - here are our impressions plus screens and video from the show.
E3 2003: F-Zero GX Hands-On
Gamers who experienced the original thrill ride are in for a major treat with the next installment of the venerable futuristic racing series. Impressions plus the new screenshots.
E3 2003: Half Life 2 Impressions
Full impressions from the drop-dead stunning gameplay presentation at E3's Half Life 2 booth. Hi-res screens included.
E3 2003: Pikmin 2 Hands-On
Two E3's ago, we stumbled across a unique looking game in Nintendo's booth known as Pikmin. Here are impressions of this E3's sequel, plus new screens.
E3 2003: Fatal Frame 2 Hands-On
Two E3's ago, we stumbled across a unique looking game in Nintendo's booth known as Pikmin. Here are impressions of this E3's sequel, plus new screens.
E3 2003: Capcom Brings GTA to Japan
Gossip reaches us that Capcom are set to publish Grand Theft Auto in Japan - details here.
E3 2003: MGS3: Snake Eater
Watch twelve minutes of high-quality Metal Gear Solid 3, in whole or in chunks - plus the first screenshots, and our impressions.
E3 2003: Sega Clarifies Naka Interview
An update to our earlier story - Sega confirms that the 'new Sega console' talk with Yuji Naka was down to translation issues.
E3 2003: Doom 3 Impressions
Tonnes of new screens, and hi-res, direct feed video! Doom 3 was shown at E3 with a brand new trailer. Our impressions plus media, inside.
E3 2003: Halo 2 Impressions
Halo 2 just ruined the next year of our lives. Quite simply, everything between now and the game's release will pale in comparison. Impressions and new screens inside.
E3 2003: Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Finally the Gamecube recieves some Konami love in the form of a beautifully remade version of the original Metal Gear Solid. Impressions and first screens.
E3 2003: Altered Beast Impressions
Sega's Wow Entertainment brings us this milennium's version of Altered Beast on the PS2 - how did it go down at E3? Hmmm. Impressions and screens within.
E3 2003: Gradius V Hands-On
Konami unleased Gradius V at the show, and here's what we think - but be warned, this reporter is a tad biased.
E3 2003: Sonic Battle Hands-On
With all the console Sonic goodness appearing at the show, the Gameboy Advance recieved not one but two Sonic titles. Impressions and new screens inside.
E3 2003: R: Racing Evolution
Namco's new racing title was shown in video form at the show - so what was it like? Our impressions plus the first screens.
E3 2003: Fire Fighter F.D. 18
One of Konami's newest offerings at their booth this year, Fire Fighter F.D. 18 was shown in video form only and looked quite hot! Impressions and screens within.
E3 2003: Naka: New Sega Console!
In an interview conducted this afternoon, Yuji Naka revealed that there might be a new Sega console platform. Is this possible? Details inside...
E3 2003: Project Gotham 2 Hands On
Our impressions from Bizarre Creations' stunning sequel to PGR. New E3 screenshots inside.
E3 2003: Rogue Squadron 3 Hands On
Lucas Arts and Factor 5 bring Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike to GameCube, as one of the biggest titles at Nintendo's booth. Our impressions plus screens.
E3 2003: Sudeki Hands On
Brand new info and screens in our hands-on impressions from the gorgeous-looking Sudeki.
E3 2003: Deus Ex 2 Hands On
The promising Deus Ex: Invisible War had a strong showing at the Eidos booth. Here are our impressions, plus new screens...
E3 2003: Crimson Skies Hands On
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge from Microsof is a surprisingly solid title. See here for our impressions and new screens.
E3 2003: Rainbow Six III Hands On
UbiSoft's newest Tom Clancy title for Xbox - impressions from the showfloor. New screens included.
E3 2003: Midtown Madness 3 Hands On
Microsoft's Midtown Madness 3 is finally nearing the completion of its development. Impressions plus new screens.
E3 2003: Sonic Heroes Hands-On
Detailed hands-on impressions of Sonic Heroes - everything you want to know, including co-operative play functionality, and our thoughts on how well it works. First screens included.
E3 2003: Billy Hatcher Hands On
Check out our hands-on impressions with Sega's awesome new mission-based platform adventure, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. Lots of screens included.
E3 2003: Nintendo Conference Report
Earlier today, Nintendo took their turn to update the world on their business and their games. But there's not much to get excited about just yet. Full report inside.
E3 2003: Sony Conference Report
This morning SCEA revealed their E3 line-up, showed GT4 for the first time, and announcced a new disc-based handheld console, PSP - details inside.
E3 2003: Xbox Conference Report
Our thoughts and impressions from this year's Xbox E3 Briefing - plus all the new announcements.
E3 2003: A Look at the LACC
With the Pre-E3 Media briefings set to kick off tomorrow, E3 is soon going to be in full swing. Here's a look at the Convention Center today - and this year's big logo is...
E3 2003: The Kikizo Preview
Once again, the cataclysm of the gaming world draws near. The Electronic Entertainment Expo will soon hit the gaming world with full force. Kikizo's previous awaits...
E3 2003: MGS3 Screens & Footage
Konami has mistakenly let the snake out of the bag. Metal Gear Solid 3: The Snake Eater revealed inside, in the first ever screens and stunning, direct-feed footage.
E3 2003: First Mario Kart Footage
Check out the first ever footage of Mario Kart Double Dash - direct feed and looking lovely.
E3 2003: Half Life 2 Screens
id Software probably aren't looking quite so smug with the arrival of these ten stunning hi-res screens from Half-Life 2.
E3 2003: Kunoichi: Shinobi Screens
Sega's first set of screens from the forthcoming Kunoichi: Shinobi reveal a female ninja in an obvious Shinobi sequel.
E3 2003: DOA Online: First Screens
First screens of Tecmo's DOA Online, which includes DOA1 and DOA2, have emerged. See them here.
E3 2003: Altered Beast: Screens
Here are the first screens from Sega's Altered Beast, which makes its debut at E3 next week.
E3 2003: Sega's Dororo: Screens
The provisionally titled Dororo has been revealed in the first set of screens. Check them out inside.
E3 2003: Sega Cancel Mergers
Sega and Sammy fail to reach an agreement, Namco pulls out of other proposal. What does Sega have in store for fans next? Full report.
E3 2003: DOA Online Details
Speculation indicates that Tecmo's DOA Online will include everything from DOA1 and DOA2. First details inside.
E3 2003: Infogrames Becomes Atari
Infogrames have announced a global name change to Atari, the most powerful brand they own, effective immediately.
E3 2003: Metal Gear Solid 3 Confirmed
Konami confirms Metal Gear Solid 3 will make an appearance at E3 next week, but in what form remains a mystery.
E3 2003: MGS: The Twin Snakes Announced
Konami's Hideo Kojima and Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto collaborate on a special Metal Gear Solid exclusively for GameCube.
E3 2003: NBA Jam 2004: Screens
One of Acclaim's premiere titles on show at this year's E3 gets a bunch of new screens released. Check them out here.
E3 2003: Counter-Strike: First Xbox Screens
Microsoft are set to officially unveil Counter-Strike at E3 - and here are the first twelve Xbox screens to prove it.
E3 2003: Colin McRae 4: Screens & Details
Codemasters' Colin McRae Rally 04 is set to hit the PS2 and Xbox this fall, and who are we to argue? First screens and details.
E3 2003: SSX3: First Screens & Details
EA have released the first images of SSX3 ahead of E3. See them inside.
E3 2003: Gran Turismo 4: First Ever Screens
Due to the wonders of shifting magazine print dates, the world has seen GT4 screens and renders well in advance of E3. Release date? Christmas 2003! Look now!
E3 2003: Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu Announced
Ubi Soft is set to publish Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu, which will feature the first Batman villain to be created specifically for a game.
E3 2003: WWE WrestleMania XIX: First Screens
THQ have revealed the first screens from their forthcoming WrestleMania update, XIX - see them here, plus details.
E3 2003: Need for Speed Underground: Details
High-stakes racing the way it was always meant to be - on the streets. EA's announced a new Need for Speed - here are the details.
E3 2003: Ratchet & Clank 2: New Details
We've added all the currently known details to our first look at Ratchet and Clank 2. Stay tuned for a lot more on this one.
E3 2003: Return of the King Details
The third in the Lord of the Rings trilogy hits theatres in December - again accompanied by an extremely polished videogame from EA. Screens and details inside.
E3 2003: Mario Kart Double Dash: More Screens
Two more (and slightly better looking) screenshots have been added to our original Double Dash news story for your viewing pleasure.
E3 2003: Half-Life 2: New Details
Valve Software has given the first word on Half-Life 2. Details and screens inside.
E3 2003: Terminator 3: Videogame Details
Play as Arnold Schwarzenegger as the original Terminator in this summer's latest licensed game - details within.
E3 2003: The Return of Vectorman
Sega has announced that Vectorman is currently in development for the PlayStation 2, and will debut at next month's E3 show.
E3 2003: Mario Kart GameCube: First Screens
Mario and friends arrive in their 128-BIT vehicles - first ever screenshots inside.
E3 2003: Pikmin 2: More Screenshots
More Nintendo screenshots arrive - this time for Pikmin 2. Six hi-res screens inside.
E3 2003: Dino Crisis 3: New Screens
More screens from Capcom's forthcoming sci-fi action sequel for Xbox. This time they're nice and hi-res.
E3 2003: Sega Announces Headhunter: Redemption
The sequel to the popular Headhunter, first released on Dreamcast, is coming to Xbox and PS2. Details inside.
E3 2003: Ratchet & Clank 2: Hi-Res Screens
The sequel to Insomniac's wonderful platformer revealed in several fantastically sharp screenshots.
E3 2003: Sonic Team Unveil Giant Egg
Sega have announced a new platform game from Sonic Team called "Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg". Details and first screens inside.
E3 2003: Ghosthunter: First Screenshots
Set to be one of this year's hottest PS2 titles, Sony Cambridge's Ghosthunter shows what its made of in the first few screens.
E3 2003: New SEGA Titles Revealed
In a leaked Sega Europe document, Sega's line-up for 2003 appears to have been revealed, including several brand new titles. Kikizo adds new details.
E3 2003: Virtual On Marz: New Screens & Details
Sega's Hitmaker studio has revealed new screens and details for Virtual On Marz, coming soon to your PS2.
E3 2003: Destruction Derby Arenas: New Screens
SCEE are showing off a new bunch of screens for Studio 33's forthcoming online racer.
E3 2003: Deus Ex: Invisible War - Screens
Eidos have unveiled new screens for the forthcoming Xbox and PC game, Deus Ex: Invisible War.
E3 2003: XIII: Screens & Movie
UbiSoft's XIII has a new video out, featuring the use of nice cel-shaded objects as weapons.
E3 2003: Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
The update to one of last year's most popular beat 'em ups crash-lands at Kikizo. Join us as we scour the wreckage in our full review.
E3 2003: Jak & Daxter 2: First Screens
We've got ten screens from Jak & Daxter 2 - see them here for the first time.
E3 2003: Capcom Unveils Onimusha 3
For Those Craving Blood - in a feudal Japan kind of way - Capcom has unveiled Onimusha 3. First screens and a movie inside.
E3 2003: Nintendo's Line-Up
Although Nintendo haven't officially revealed their complete line-up for E3, we've put together this list based on what we know will be there.
E3 2003: Microsoft's Line-Up
Xbox is in for one killer show this year. See our list of expected titles inside.
E3 2003: Namco's Line-Up
Namco Hometek have revealed their E3 line-up, including R: Racing Evolution - first screens inside.
E3 2003: SCEA's Line-Up
Not historically the most exciting publisher stand at E3, Sony do have several quality titles to look forward to this year. Here's the Kikizo list.
E3 2003: Sega's Line-Up
Sega's game selection for E3 looks fantastic - including Sonic Heroes (all consoles), Billy Hatcher, Altered Beast, Headhunter 2 and Vectorman. Details and first screens inside!
E3 2003: THQ Line-Up Sneak Peek
THQ held an event showcasing their latest titles, including Sphinx, Finding Nemo, Fire Warrior and Broken Sword 3. Impressions inside.
E3 2003: Activision's Line-Up
While the world waits to play Doom III, Activision are keen to show they've got a few other games lined up as well.
E3 2003: Eidos's Line-Up
Eidos's strong showing includes the new Tomb Raider, Deus Ex II, Backyard Wrestling and Legacy of Kain: Defiance. Come inside for the full list with all the details.
E3 2003: Square Enix's Line-Up
Square Enix's line-up at E3 consists of some quality new role playing games - loads of them. Get the details inside.
E3 2003: EA's Line-Up
EA announces a ridiculous number of games (23) that will be shown at E3 - including some surprises, like FIFA 2004! Full list and details inside.
E3 2003: Capcom's Line-Up
Capcom have announced their line-up for this year's show, and there are a couple of surprises in there.
E3 2003: Sega Sports Line-Up
The Sega Sports series is back again for its 2K4 outing, despite lower sales than expected for the 2K3 series. Will this year's sports games be much better?
E3 2003: Ubi Soft's Line-Up
UbiSoft are promising a powerful E3 lineup, including six "blockbuster new titles". Details inside.
E3 2003: Acclaim's Line-Up
Acclaim recently unveiled their line-up for this year's E3. Here it is.
E3 2003: Codemasters' Line-Up
The techies at Codemasters have revealed what's in store at their booth this year.