July 30, 2005
Namco's promising Xbox 360 action game depicts some pretty nice city environments.
See the new Mario soccer title in action.
Gorgeous new trailer from the RPG sequel.
The first ever trailer of this year's Doom motion picture is already famous.
Behind-the-scenes with producer, Jeronimo Barrera. New screenshots too!
If you wanna play MC3 in locomotion, the PSP version might well be an essential purchase. Hands-on coming right up, cabron!
A quick look at the trailer before our hot upcoming interview and video walkthrough...
Gameplay footage from Lara's latest.
More from EA's upcoming Bond title.
July 29, 2005
Companies realize that growth will come with expansion of the market, and for Nintendo success comes bearing slippers.
PSP and DS play a big part in big gains for the US market.
Taste the annelid apocalypse before putting down your cash.
After tackling all would-be opponents in his game, the God of War turns his eye on Hollywood.
July 28, 2005
Microsoft and Sony have been hogging the next-gen limelight of late, but Nintendo is throwing down the gauntlet and charging back in.
The next-generation debut of Square Enix's long-lived series is set for public exposure later this year.
It may not have been very good on consoles, but Atari is hoping to do it better on Nintendo's portable.
UK exhibit shows off part of what you'll be enjoying on Nintendo's next-gen console.
July 27, 2005
The man in charge of the Xbox business in Japan eyes out the challenges ahead.
Midway's gorefest gets some big-name support
Sega's stylish and quirky DS game earns itself a follow-up.
July 26, 2005
New study suggests that piracy is rampant amongst teenagers, and they don't care either. Whatever.
And you thought all Namco did was fighting games.
Another slow week for games in the UK.
Codemasters has just the thing to show off the power of next-gen consoles: tables.
July 25, 2005
Ridge Racer, Resident Evil, Pro Evo and tons more coming to Microsoft's next-gen console.
Saying it once made us nervous, but saying it again makes us downright apprehensive.
Ubisoft's gangster-slash-street-racing game finds a home on the Internet
July 22, 2005
Sony's handheld picks up Konami's popular realism- focussed football series. First screens.
We're almost embarrassed to admit we're quite looking forward to this. Almost.
Sean Combs, aka P. *ahem* Diddy, joins the cast while one NYC politician predicts bedlam.
In case you're keeping count, that's 100,000 nice people and 1.9 million cheaters and bad losers.
July 21, 2005
Which means that PlayStation 3 games will play better and ladies will have more desire to have sex with you.
Pay attention now: Swearing and killing innocents = good. Boobies = bad. Chalk one up for the power of disgruntled parents and politicians.
1.5 million Chinese gamers can't be wrong.
July 20, 2005
Revolution left out in the cold as Capcom's super series heads to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Company says rumours of console's delay in Japan are bullshi...er, bogus.
It's early days yet, but some are laying their apparently-well-reasoned guesses on the table.
Not unexpected, but still disappointing.
July 19, 2005
New rumours suggest Microsoft might let Xbox 360 go head-to-head with PlayStation 3 next year.
Study suggests that people are hearing the Hot Coffee news and they're not liking it.
Battle gladiators, kill lions and do...push-ups?
More proof that exposure combined with a large installed base yields success.
July 18, 2005
We get a detailed look at this all-new western-themed adventure from Neversoft and Activision. Read our impressions and check this first helping of luscious media.
E3 might not have done it for everyone, but Robbie Bach says we'll soon see just how powerful Xbox 360 is.
Japan shows signs of pulling itself out of its funk.
A young wizard takes on Master Chief and comes up a little short.
EA's latest expansion packs some covert spice to the Battlefield curry.
July 15, 2005
It's bad for EA (and possibly worse for Microsoft), but it's being done for the right reasons.
Cheers as SCi takes over Eidos and holds top games back to make them not-rubbish.
Geeks rejoice as the second of the comics heavyweights enters the MMO space.
Rockstar unveils its first licensed game, and it's a classic tale of men-in-colours bopping heads. Can you dig it?
July 14, 2005
New survey suggests that the company's attempt to get into the heads of the Japanese isn't working.
More maps for co-operative and competitive multiplayer - if you're into that sort of thing.
The new circle of life: Comic begets movie begets game.
Isn't that what you do when anger consumes your very being?
From Excel to X360! Must-see video interview with the Microsoft veteran and Xbox visionary on many topics including: Rare in hindsight, leaving Microsoft, next-gen in-depth, Halo, Perfect Dark Zero, programming days, sort of inventing the screensaver, and current projects.
July 13, 2005
Analysts offer their view on how things will unfold over the next year, possibly pointing to snags for Microsoft's campaign.
With UMD movies proving a surprise success, Sony tackles another distribution mechanism.
Nintendo's cuddly juggernaut won't be hitting the dual-screen handheld this year.
July 12, 2005
PlayStation 3 seems like it's going to be expensive, but Sony is at least trying to keep the price down.
Microsoft's racer will usher in new Xbox 360 features and get the competitive blood boiling.
Or how a driving game managed to come out on top nearly a month after release.
Fan of World of Warcraft? Back your bags - there's a show you need to attend.
July 11, 2005
Politician says Rockstar should be held responsible for modders hacking their way into the game to uncover forgotten smut.
Haters be damned. If you ask us, the world is a better place now that there's confirmation of more Fable to play on Xbox.
The cover may make you think otherwise, but this is not your father's Metal Gear.
We know it makes brand sense to call it "Advance" Wars, but it still doesn't make sense.
Just what the Arsenal striker needed - more exposure and more money. New screens.
E3 may be a distant memory, but this 10-minute ultimate video montage takes you back to LA to reveal the story behind the monumental week, and show off the babes!
July 8, 2005
It may be sleek, sexy and have that screen, but the PSP is still being outmanoeuvred by the DS for gamers' affections.
After a lengthy hiatus in game publishing limbo, THQ slams its foot down to release this current chart-topper - but has Juiced survived the pit stop?
It's got girls, guys and some of the most homoerotic gaming suggestiveness since, erm, any Kojima game. Is it the ultimate WWE title though?
One step forward and two steps back. Are we enthused about Konami's take on the world of simulation racing? Find out inside.
The Spandex-clad WWE bunch are back for another go. First screens.
Just to let you know, the Wimbledon champs are in the portable racquet-fest. Latest screens.
And since they're owned by Microsoft, that makes for some very interesting bed-fellows.
July 7, 2005
To be successful in the next generation, Japanese publishers have realized that they will need to appeal more to Western audiences.
New multiplayer maps set to arrive later this week.
July 6, 2005
First screens and details for the next-gen zombie thriller that sees you command the undead.
American McGee's latest game is a thumb in the eye of US fear culture. First screens.
And you thought there was no harm in pre-loading dozens of games onto an illegally modified machine.
MTV and Midway team up for a marketing blitz that's sure to get your spinners, er, spinning. New screens.
July 5, 2005
EA's orgy of automotive destruction gets prepped for another go.
Publishers and developers show no sign of letting up on the World War II-themed shooters. Latest screens.
The suave assassin is about to learn what it feels like on the other side of the scope.
New releases can't shift EA's war-game from the premiere position on the UK chart.
July 4, 2005
Still have burning questions about Xbox 360? Pack-ins, pricing, global launch, strategy? Chances are that Xbox's top man answers them in his latest interview.
Playable showing for House of the Dead 4 in Tokyo suggests that the fantastic E3 demos - such as Virtua Fighter 5 - could show up sooner than expected.
Classic RPG series returns from nothingness to Nintendo's touch-screen juggernaut.
July 1, 2005
Extensive video interview with Xbox's top man, on many Xbox 360 topics, including "approachability", world-wide launch factors, the launch price, shortages, all aspects of the hardware, how Xbox strategy has indeed evolved, market leadership timeframe and Xbox in 15 years.
Never one to follow the trend, Nintendo is going its own direction in the next generation.
But there is talk that Sony's new console will take standard 2.5-inch drives.
New levels for From from four.
Sega's latest winner is a game in which angry beetles do battle - and the kids absolutely love it.