May 31, 2006
2K Games looks to be on to a hit with its new shooter-cum-RPG extravaganza.
If you want to get everything out of the next generation of PC games, you're going to have to upgrade soon.
Activision quietly releases an enhanced edition for you World War II fiends.
More unsanctioned talk that Microsoft could be getting into the portable business. Which is a good thing, since they "only" have to worry about Sony and Nintendo.
Proof positive that when bullet and ball meet, it's the bullet that comes out on top.
Rumble, no rumble - we don't care. We just want to be able to buy the damn thing.
Microsoft's VP of gaming discusses the "monstrous growth opportunity" of the Xbox business and says that "profits will come"; Live Anywhere, HD-DVD, a larger HDD, price drops, Square Enix, and competitive advantage.
The face of Microsoft's gaming business and mastermind of the strategy behind Xbox 360 and Games for Windows talks to us in an extensive new video interview.
May 30, 2006
Nintendo's spiritual leader isn't fond of the kids-in-the-basement image games currently suffer under.
Gates says MS already threw that party and no one came.
Early numbers from the country bode well for the plumber's latest 2D platforming game.
Capcom and Nintendo pick up design pencils from UK charity outfit. Seriously.
Will people ever stop playing with Master Chief on Live? All signs point to no.
May 29, 2006
Kikizo presents the ultimate E3 video package, with the highest quality coverage of absolutely everything that matters on Wii, PS3, 360, PC, handhelds and much more. Ten hours (and counting) of immaculate viewing inside.
May 26, 2006
Sony's makes clear its commitment to treating Europe as an equal - at long last.
Post-E3 joy for Nintendo as gamers in Japan lap up the company's new console.
Another keeper is added to the list of outrageous quotes from Sony's top man.
New to the Xbox scene? Here are a few games you might want to pick up.
May 25, 2006
Put your arms and legs at ease. You won't have to give them up to play with Mario.
Frightening rumours expand and explode in just a day.
Ready your gravity gun for another adventure with Gordon & Co. Details on Episodes 2 and 3 inside too.
A handy check-list of games you should buy this year.
Do you hold yours in the penholder or shakehands style? Rockstar presents another top quality gaming experience.
Heavenly Sword is the best example right now of what the PlayStation 3 is capable of. New impressions!
May 24, 2006
What Sony needs, says one analyst, is a good movie - sort of. Details inside.
The man behind King Kong gets specific on what we can expect from Rayman's first Wii game. First screens.
No guitars this time around but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a look. First screens.
It could work exactly how you think it will. Maybe.
May 23, 2006
Bungie hints that development is coming along nicely. Good news for SD gamers too. And a new screenshot!
Backroom agreement means lack of HDMI might not be the disaster many thought it would be.
Let's hope it is less of a tease than the show is.
No surprises as attention turns to the World Cup.
May 22, 2006
Not long to go now, and there's a new colour coming too.
A fourth pup joins Nintendo's happy litter.
The singleplayer stuff might not have done it for everyone, but THQ is bumping the online experience for those still sticking it out.
Square Enix and Disney collide fantastically - again. Frustrating months ahead for European fans.
Our first hands-on impressions fresh from the recent playable build of Insomniac's FPS formerly known as I-8.
The squeamish need not click. Our latest impressions and fresh media of Epic's hellish masterpiece.
We become one with Link in our hands-on impressions of Nintendo's killer app.
May 19, 2006
Oh baby! We get hands-on with the future classic.
The UK remains as one of the only major regions with solid release details and now Sony is playing defense against new reports.
No surprises here then as Master Chief tops the latest Xbox Live download chart.
Sales are good, so why change that.
Did Sony copy Nintendo's motion-sensing idea? Nintendo seems to think so.
May 18, 2006
One of the PS3's most tangible titles steps up to the reality check.
The hardware shortage seems to be well and truly over as Microsoft's new box outdoes the competition with ease.
Which is funny, since the rest of the world thinks the opposite.
Rumoured HD-DVD add-on pricing suggests you'll be enjoying HD gaming and movies for less with an Xbox 360... if HD-DVD wins the format war, that is.
May 17, 2006
One analyst fears gamers will think the $600 price tag is a bit much to ask.
Nintendo's console is becoming the second system of choice for some unlikely supporters.
And tries to explain why it's not such a big deal after all.
Sony has been sending out a lot of development kits, but not everyone's got one yet.
Our superlative video offering kicks off with the best MGS4 videos you'll find anywhere.
May 16, 2006
Analyst says publishers probably won't be ready if the Wii becomes a hit. Speculation inside.
Tired of waiting for Harrison Ford to don the fedora again? Why not control his destiny yourself? First screens.
Portable frights courtesy of Konami's latest game to bring a more deliberate approach to game design. First screens.
Detailed hands-on with the all-new Wii edition of Metroid, with a ton of fresh screens included.
Impressive technology could pave the way for true next gen gameplay.
We unfortunately must report back that all is not good in the Lylat System...
New hands-on impressions of Sam Fisher's newest game with fresh E3 media.
Our preview updated with some unique grabs.
May 15, 2006
Konami's FIFA-beater is coming to Microsoft's new box (and the DS and more) and it's got new gameplay too. First screens.
After more than a year into the portable's life, the PSP is finally going to see a true Metal Gear Solid game. First screens.
RPG creator returns to Microsoft with another game that looks set to have tongues wagging. New screens.
May 12, 2006
And Microsoft's 10 million by year's end thing isn't going to happen either, or so says Sony.
Why by one console when you can buy two, argues Moore.
Now you can finally end the argument over whether the Metal Gear hero can outfight Pikachu.
Which one will you buy when launch day comes?
May 11, 2006
Far out! We play the best of the Wii. Detailed impressions, screens and THE best video coverage to follow.
Smashing goods news with a solid twist! First screens along with some 'exclusive grabs' of Snake.
Capcom's flagship series is coming to the Wii with a new control scheme built around the Wiimote.
Did Sony take inspiration from Nintendo? The mounting evidence suggests so.
The Grand Theft Auto series is back on the PSP, bringing joy to fans and Sony alike.
Yes, Mario is coming to the Wii, and it makes us happy, but so does the revelation of a Mario platformer for the Cube. First screens.
Thinking of buying the cheaper PlayStation 3 to save a few bucks in the short term? Read this before you make a decision you'll regret.
May 10, 2006
Our detailed report covers everything you need to know from Microsoft's briefing, including Bill Gates' personal appearance, Halo 3, Fable 2, Forza 2 and much, much more, as we wrap up E3's Pre-show coverage.
Nintendo showed its strength with a slick presentation that unveiled the final mysteries of Wii and finally delivered on long-promised software. Full report and all sorts of photo joy.
It was time to head back Downtown for Konami's briefing and a first look at the exceptional, extended MGS4 trailer, Konami's first game for Wii, Coded Arms PS3, and a 'whole library' of surprise games. Detailed report inside.
The number two publisher had some goodies for us at the start of E3 week, including Spider-Man 3, Call of Duty 3, Tony Hawk's Project 8 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Full report inside.
At long last the Master Chief's third adventure is a reality, though it seems we still have a wait ahead of us. First HD screens.
Well, maybe the Zelda game isn't wholly new, but the Mario game sure is. First images.
Rockstar drops its limited-time PlayStation exclusivity campaign, giving Microsoft fans access on day one.
And with Sony's machine now coming in at $600, there's a chance it could last.
May 9, 2006
The complete report from Sony's anticipated PS3 showing as E3 week kicks off, complete with the photographs that prove it's real. We look at the final PS3 controller, launch details, massive game line-up and much more besides.
It was a pleasant surprise to get launch details, though the actual details aren't quite as pleasant.
Sony joins (and copies) Nintendo by adding motion sensing tech to final controller design.
And there's Dragon Quest coming to the Wii too. First screens.
Games with mainstream appeal sit side-by-side with more hardcore fare on Sony's new console. HD screens.
May 5, 2006
Vivendi ends the yes-it-is-no-it-isn't cycle on a yes. First screen.
The Project Gotham Racing developer sets out to prove that it's not just a house for driving games. First art.
Next-gen game starring Tony and the gang heads a roster heavy on franchises and sequels.
While the PS3 goodies are under wraps until Monday, Sony is flaunting the current-gen stuff it's bringing to E3.
May 4, 2006
The super spy jumps ship to join Tony Hawk and Spider-Man at Activision until the next decade.
So much for the theories about a May release alongside New Super Mario Bros. Oh well.
After a two year hiatus, the rally star is returning in a fancy new next-gen game. First screens.
Sports obviously feature prominently in EA's show line-up, but there's a whole lot more to be excited about too. Full details.
Diverse line-up that spans all three next-gen consoles. Plus there's an unannounced game too.
May 3, 2006
Can't go to the show? You're luckier than you think. And Microsoft will have highlights for you anyway.
Next-gen game built around co-operative anti-bad guy gameplay, but will next-gen AI be up to the task? First details.
Publisher joins the pay-for-play fray with new maps available from next week.
May 2, 2006
This is the place to check back at for detailed, exclusive coverage of everything that matters from Los Angeles.
The name might make you think that Nintendo of Japan stopped listening to its Western arms, but the company denies that.
New franchise from the studio behind Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia. First HD art.
The company always said Full Auto would be multiplatform but we didn't expect a sequel quite so fast.
New series lets you choose between being evil and...more evil. First HD screens.
2K Games steps in to save the flaming super hero from wallowing in publishing purgatory.
Probably the best version of the whole MGS4 trailer you will see anywhere online, to get you warmed up for a brand new trailer early next week.
Eight gameplay videos detailing the different techniques in the game, in beautiful HD.
We take an in-depth, detailed look at FF12 and give offer our definitive verdict, on the RPG everyone's been waiting for. Tonnes of video included.