July 31, 2006
No press conferences, no games, bo booth babes - say it ain't so, event organizers.
Now that the Xbox 360 is doing well, Microsoft is letting some of that cockiness come back.
Tony Montana jumps onto the PSP, gaining a heavy strategy (?) element in the process. First screens.
We take a detailed look at Spore in a guided tour with Will Wright, to discover why this is a game so mesmerising, everyone seems addicted before it's even out.
July 28, 2006
As Sony prepares to launch its next generation system, we take a look back at some of the games, present and coming, that should have in your collection.
Atari explains why Europeans will pay twice as much as their American counterparts for Test Drive Unlimited on Xbox 360.
A faceplate is the only way you're going to have the super soldier on your Xbox 360 this year. Picture inside.
EA takes naming to comical levels in the first PC expansion for its Lord of the Rings RTS series. First images inside.
Atlus hopes that the Wii controller adds enough of a gameplay change to justify you giving the game a... second opinion. Screens inside.
July 27, 2006
So don't get pegging all your hopes on an import system just yet.
Ten of thousands banned for violating Azeroth's laws.
And according to Sony there are around 10,000 development kits out there right now.
Can a game release list really tell us when the console will launch? Some people think so.
July 26, 2006
It's the first big RTS for Xbox 360, but does it survive the transition to console?
You would think that the success of the DS Lite would have some effect - not so, says Sony.
Get a free look at what the company can dow when it's not concentrating on sex and violence.
You no longer have to pay console prices for console ports.
July 25, 2006
It's coming in October and there's not much more we know. We do, however, have the box art.
A clutch of Kojima games have been confirmed for next month's Game Convention.
Research borne of thousands tens of hours poring over hundreds four games yields worrying results.
And things are still looking good for the DS. All this and more in our weekly chart update.
We picked up a huge huge load of screenshots after Sega's recent announcemnt of a new arcade OutRun.
Part board game, part bored game. We see how Dynasty Warriors fares in the next generation.
July 24, 2006
It's been an awfully long time since he slid down a flagpole. Has Mario lost his bounce? Our review tells all.
Empire's flagship racer is back, but with new thrills can it avoid the pitfalls of the first game?
No men in tights for you on Sony's system, at least not this Xmas.
No signs of people losing their love of Nintendo's portable.
July 22, 2006
Sega's finest RPG series is stepping up to the next generation, as Phantasy Star Universe approaches Xbox 360 alongside the PS2 and PC versions. We caught up with Sega's Takao Miyoshi to see how things are progressing.
July 21, 2006
How else will the company ensure all the launch systems don't end up on eBay?
Not verified yet, but a simultaneous revelation of Guitar Hero: G.H.O.U.L. seems to do just that.
And that number is set to triple in the next year.
Batman & Co. will be playing with the same stuff powering Gears of War.
July 20, 2006
First HD screens for the rally man's latest game.
At least according to reports that have drawn the ire of the manufacturers in question.
The horror maestro is bringing his... unique brand of entertainment to PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. And we've got the screens to prove it.
But Sony has a back-up plan in the works.
July 19, 2006
More crystal ball gazing sees Nintendo and Microsoft doing well in the next gen. Sony, not so much.
And according to the game's maker, players are spending 45 hours a month playing it.
July 18, 2006
Tommy the Mechanic seems to be no match for Toni the Mobster - at least for now.
It's like Half-Life 2, but with Source-powered swords instead of plasma guns - and it's a big deal, as Ubisoft explains to Kikizo. We think it's destined for console, too.
July 17, 2006
We report from EA's Redwood City event as the company announces new titles and discusses upcoming projects. Detailed coverage including lots of new gameplay videos.
Ten years in the making, is Prey good or just good enough?
Quite a cool name for a mech game - and perhaps what's best about it too.
All we've got to go on right now is a job listing, but things seem to be looking up for Treyarch.
Nintendo's current-system release list for the rest brings ill tidings for those hoping for summer respite.
PlayStation maker tops a list filled with tech and car companies.
July 14, 2006
Sony has been under fire for more than a month, but Harrison is coming to the rescue.
Project Gray Company, headed by the guy that's been concentrating on Lord of the Rings games at EA, is now a next-gen... Lord of the Rings game.
Ready your wallets - the rest of the year will bleed you dry.
And there will be a lot of extra stuff coming along with it, including a little something called Team Fortress 2.
Which leaves Atari to clean up the skid marks while Yves figures out what to do with the series.
July 13, 2006
And things are looking pretty decent for the second game too, says Jaffe.
World's biggest publisher backs Nintendo's new machine, but don't expect completely new games.
But there's still no confirmation of how many of these people are paying for the Gold service.
And Rein's got some harsh words for Intel too.
July 12, 2006
And this time Activision's shooter is coming to PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. First screens for all three versions inside.
Bethesda offers refuge and feeding grounds for vampires and other nasties. First screens.
A dozen more motors to add to your collection, if you're willing to part with some Points for them.
And the first order of business is giving us a firm release date for Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting.
July 11, 2006
It's bright, it's happy. And it's possibly the best thing on the PSP.
Other numbers suggest that the casual game craze is catching hold in Europe too.
But the comments are just vague enough that we're still no closer to confirmation that this is a game system.
But if things carry on the way they're going, we could see them swapping places next week.
July 10, 2006
Nintendo brings a bunch of Wii consoles across the seven seas and into Europe, for some fresh hands-on play time. England might not have brought the World Cup home, but who cares when Wii is in town?
Denis Dyack explains why his team likes making big, expansive worlds for us to play in.
IBM gives insight on the potential redundancy built into the Cell processor - well, sort of.
Yet another reason why Games Convention in Leipzig is the place to be next month.
DreamWorks reveals plans for the future of film-to-game, selling a movie and a game on a single Blu Ray disc, and the first details on Shrek 3 for next-gen consoles.
July 7, 2006
It's that time of the year, when releases dribble out and you wonder what to do with your life. We're here to help.
Nintendo seems to be on the right track as brains bypasses brawn in the handheld battle.
The dream is smashed after just a day. But the door is still open for a soonish release.
July 6, 2006
At least, according to a bunch of blank-faced anonymous industry insiders.
And it could be here quite soon. The real question is whether it plays games or not.
Both of them are music games based on a title for the departed WonderSwan handheld.
Now that he's 60, Bush might start to make questionable decisions, but Nintendo has his back.
July 5, 2006
Xbox 360 sales in Japan are, well, crap but Microsoft insists that it won't give up.
Time to check out your favourite travel site for a ticket.
The company confirms it will be bringing Namco Bandai's driver to Europe. First screens.
That figure you've been hearing is wrong, says Sony, and its previously announced estimates are still on.
Don't expect Sony's online plans to directly ape those of Microsoft. Or at least, that's the idea.
July 4, 2006
It's still a way off, but it sounds like things are coming along well.
Unconfirmed reports say it is, but Ubisoft isn't coming clean yet.
Gamers in the UK are taking to the DS with gusto.
Our regular meeting with Itagaki to talk about the finer points of drinking-inspired creativity, DOA Xtreme 2, and more. Fantastic HD version of the DOAX2 trailer included!
Sonic surfs his way into our full review.
We battle through jungle and engage online.
A healthy serving of retro classics for PSP.
Will this do anything to advance WWII games?
July 3, 2006
Sony's used to being on top, but one researcher says it's possible the PlayStation 3 could end up at the bottom of the pile.
You're out of luck if you're waiting for an internal drive. Or at least that's the line.
Peter Moore is on hand to reward the Portugese team for once again sticking it to everyone.
Microsoft bigwigs Shane Kim (the games guy), Todd Holmdahl (the product guy) and Richard Teversham (the marketing guy) take time out with us to talk in-depth about Xbox 360 strategy and plans for the future.