April 28, 2006
First screens and art for Namco Bandai's latest Ridge Racer game. And, yes, she's there.
Konami's next FIFA-beater will be unveiled at E3.
Next-gen debut for the series thanks to new handlers at UK Driving Studio.
The comic publisher's rich stable of characters is yours to manipulate. First next- and current-gen screens.
April 27, 2006
Nintendo's Wii makes a splash as the final name for Revolution is unveiled. Logo and video inside.
The long-running series is coming to Revolution Wii in ways you never dreamed of before.
Things are looking up for Microsoft's box, and fans could soon find themselves with an abundance of choice.
CNN thinks we'll be walking away from this year's show with a lot of question marks still floating about.
Don't look for anyone else to handle the official stuff for a while still, which could be either a good or a bad thing.
April 26, 2006
Those lovable simians are back with bumped gameplay and minigames tailored for Nintendo's new controller.
More non-game stuff to keep you busy, but there are some new features to keep your playing time busy too.
Is the country's influence waning? The big names are readying their titles to prove otherwise.
Playlogic picks a new protagonist to go along with the PC game's new name. New screens.
2K Games shows what trailers are about.
See the PS2 sequel that wowed GDC in direct motion, plus fresh screens as well.
Direct feed gameplay from Mario's latest.
On shelves now and looking... just like this.
More of Sega's baddass mech blaster.
Two trailers from the DreamWorks game.
That's right. It's a videogame, video.
See how it's done in two gameplay clips.
April 25, 2006
Now you won't have to spend all your tokens on that Lindbergh version. Well, not all of them. First HD screens.
The bellwether series is getting milked to the extreme, but there's stuff for Enix fans too.
Free content coming too, with pay-to-play stuff coming later. Hooray?
Cute, amorphous slimeballs traverse bright levels. And it's free. How could you possibly resist?
April 24, 2006
New open-world RPG coming from EA. And the company wants to hear from you on making it better.
Now you've got no excuse for not trying Ubisoft's shooter - unless you don't have the hard drive space, that is.
New chip manufacturer goes high-tech for better chips.
Rejoice, fans of big hair. There's a lot more coming your way this year. New screens for both games.
April 21, 2006
Another $20 off the price means there's now no reason for not owning one.
Another World War II game, but this one lets you get at planes, boats and submarines. First HD screens.
Nintendo's handhelds are the only places you're going to be getting any 2D Castlevania action any time soon.
Who would've thought that a Miami Vice movie could look so good. And there's a game too. First screens.
April 20, 2006
Is a Sony hardware launch truly a Sony hardware launch if there's no Ridge Racer game around? Apparently not.
The series has stolen million of hours of not only free but also work time, so it's a fair bet there'll be some interest in another Command & Conquer. First screen.
Keita Takahashi and Nintendo might well have the same goals, but the affable creator isn't lining up behind Nintendo quite yet.
Square Enix has a polite reminder in store for those who forget that sharing videos is naughty.
Awesome PlayStation 3 game world first shown at GDC exposed in this wonderful video sequence.
That's 36 VF5 videos on Kikizo in total. Obsessive!
April 19, 2006
Unsurprisingly catty remarks about Blu-ray amid the company's insistence that it doesn't care about Sony.
Atsushi Inaba and Shinji Mikami take time off to deliver a new fighter steeped in blood and laughs. First screens.
Sega's on- and offline Phantasy Star game meets Xbox Live. No word yet on exactly what additions there will be.
If you've yet to pick up the PSP version, you might want to hold off for a while still.
The third installment in one of the most original RPG franchises is here, and it's time to take another spin around the Judgment Ring. Can it live up to the excellence of its predecessor?
It's not a true sequel and barely a partial one but Ubisoft's latest Far Cry game still has a lot to like.
April 18, 2006
Success of FIFA and Need for Speed pushes internal studio to the top spot again.
Sony's unfettered rule of the gaming roost may be coming to an end says a member of the original Xbox team.
Don't put that axe down just yet. RedOctane and Harmonix are back with a few dozen more tunes and other new stuff too.
They're back, but this time Hippies, Commies and Godzilla are out to thwart their invasion.
April 14, 2006
We sit down with Radical Entertainment's Mike Lopez for an in-depth look at Scarface: The World is Yours.
April 13, 2006
The popular WWII shooter series is marked for next-gen debut later this year. PC version coming too. First details.
Agent 47's long-delayed outing finally has a release date. Start polishing your barrels.
Selling games in Japan isn't nearly as easy as it could be says a vexed Guillemot.
One of the top-rated RPGs of last year is finally arriving in Europe, and RPG fans will quickly recognize the old-school charm and legendary name.
One of those rare titles that manages to live up to insanely high expectations, Oblivion is Xbox 360's first powerhouse RPG.
Revenge is a dish best served cold, but did a slightly reheated 360 version of Burnout Revenge satisfy?
April 12, 2006
Ubisoft confirms the game and says it'll be there for the debut of the system.
Polish developer working on a black-and-white games for Nintendo's new system. First info and concept art.
Nintendo's Brain Training for the younger set coming next month. New screens.
Now you'll be able to play on Infinity Ward's new levels without that annoying kid bugging you all the time.
April 11, 2006
George Harrison, the Nintendo one, says the company has learnt from its past. A third of launch line-up will come from Nintendo.
Missed Gun on consoles? So did a lot of others. Now you have a chance to bring the Wild West on the road with you. First screens.
If you want to get at CryTek's hot new game, you're going to have to pay up for a high-end PC.
April 10, 2006
Think the Revolution will only have family friendly fare? Think again. Ubisoft preps new gun-slash-sword game.
Ms Croft proves that there's more to her than just good looks and a spotty track record.
Company refuses to get involved in talk that there's a successor on the way.
Well, not cash per se but rather points, which is just as good as cash, if you know what we mean.
Total of 23 in-game videos now online, and worth it! All-new backgrounds, characters and BGM shown.
April 9, 2006
Now you can see why we were so excited about playing Table Tennis, in high-def.
See Bandai's new Japanese Xbox 360 title.
See more of Sega's Xbox 360 mech battler.
High quality new trailer of the expansion.
Look at EA's new Source-powered FPS.
Agent 47 up to his old tricks again.
Gameplay videos from the next big soccer game.
A sneaky look at the Lionhead expansion.
A trio of new videos wraps up coverage.
April 7, 2006
Kikizo dropped by at Nintendo's enigmatic global HQ to chat with the six-member "Wario Ware All-Star Team", headed by Metroid talent Yoshi Sakamoto.
The game debuts on the Xbox 360 with a new team, new gameplay and the same old baddies. Must-see screens.
Think you've got what it takes to beat the best drivers in the world? Prove it.
Delusional or tenacious? Either way, it looks like Microsoft is determined to give it a try.
The orange-clothed ninja hero is on his way to Microsoft's box, courtesy of the Western developer.
First ever in-game direct-feed footage of Sega's upcoming fighter, in 60fps widescreen glory.
April 6, 2006
You know all those reports out there saying the PS3 is going to cost €500? They're wrong. Or so Sony says. Full details inside.
Another British developer succumbs to Bill Gates' checkbook. Next-gen work started at Lionhead already.
April 5, 2006
Give Ms Croft a ride right now, and while you're at it, get yourself some pics of her in both virtual and real forms.
Those wanting to play out Tony Montana's post-movie life will have to wait for a while still.
Some aspects of Bethesda's RPG are getting players riled up.
April 4, 2006
We went to Rockstar for a quick hands-on with Table Tennis - but stayed for five hours and played all through the evening too. Detailed report!
No doubt it'll be the best looking version on offer, but what else will it bring? First HD screens.
We've been waiting years for another Mario platformer. A week longer can't hurt...can it?
All three hardware makers are talking up their online plans but not all analysts are convinced.
April 3, 2006
Iwata says there's still more to discover about the company's tiny new next-gen box.
The colourful men in tights turn their malevolent sights on both next-gen heavyweights.
Criterion can relax now - Black has been added. And MS has fixed a few wonky games too. See if you can get rid of your Xbox yet.