March 30, 2007
See what the eagerly awaited sequel looks like on Wii.
Now you get to decide what goes inside.
The NES classic and more out for Virtual Console today.
March 29, 2007
Rockstar's next-gen opus exposed in first ever trailer and 20 shots. Don't stand for crappy low-quality streams!
We chat with the creators at Sega Racing Studio about the PC and console game due this year.
New tracks, ships and features in PSP sequel.
Is Nintendo keeping them back on purpose?
But Americans will get it next month already.
Sega and Nintendo bring their mascots together for some Olympics fun.
March 28, 2007
But it looks like there is still plenty of stock left over.
But the PS3's tie ratio points to aching wallets.
We chat with TT Games director Tom Stone about his new Lego game based on the Dark Knight.
Another 30 hours awaits - well, as soon as Xbox Live is back up.
March 27, 2007
Our recent chat with the lovely Ms Kumagai, looking at the stellar game that is Virtua Tennis 3 on PS3 and 360.
Is the PS2's final Burnout its best ever?
It's Ridge Racer - in the sky! PSP review.
Surely it's no worse than last year's Sonic?
So, is Disney's new hope going to catch on?
Eutechnyx takes on the street racing genre.
March 26, 2007
First PAL-region figures point to a meek debut.
European release still not decided.
Wanna make a MMO racing game?
March 23, 2007
We'll bet you wish you were there for the free TVs.
And you can get hold of the first Castlevania too.
It's the flagship European launch title and fortunately, it's every bit as lovely as your shiny new console.
March 22, 2007
Time for UK Resistance as Insomniac's baddies come to England for real tonight.
SCEE boss talks up his console on the eve of its European debut.
New rhythm game from Montreal featuring karaoke action. First screens inside.
Now you don't just have to play by yourself. Details on new mode and screens.
March 21, 2007
But Microsoft continues to side-step the mounting speculation that it has an update coming.
Will anyone care about petty carjacking when you can rob a bank vault? First screens.
Extensive new interview with AM2 veteran Makoto Osaki and conversion designer Tohru Murayama on everything Virtua Fighter 5 including the future of the series.
March 20, 2007
Dante's once PS3-exclusive new adventure is coming to Xbox 360 and PC too.
There are a few rules you'll need to follow to get the best performance out of them.
But it's not so much a "when" scenario as it is an "if" one for Sir Howard Stringer.
Second week lucky for Rockstar's recycled PSP game.
We talk to Senior Producer and EA veteran Nick Channon about the superlative new Burnout title.
March 19, 2007
The Project Gotham Racing creator tells us how it wants to bring its flair to shooters. First screens.
And Rainbow Six: Vegas won't make the launch either.
Will Alucard be able to knock those dastardly Worms off the top of the chart?
March 16, 2007
Still not sure what games you want to get? Check out our quick-look guide.
And despite stock the PS3 fails to make much of a move.
Sega's arcade tennis game lobbed onto Marketplace.
Koei shows off its fanciful new game Opoona. First screens and details.
March 15, 2007
And that's why you can't find them in stores.
Nintendo's portable continues to surge ahead.
Is this the best shooter ever on Xbox 360?
March 14, 2007
Only a few PS2 games working? Not for long, says Sony.
A third platform for the skating superstar.
Cross-platform gaming soon afterwards.
March 13, 2007
Kratos's portable game will not be a mere port.
Will all games have Trophies? Can you give your friends media? Find out.
Final Fantasy XII falls to Tom Clancy's latest.
As Disney looks towards Japan to change its fortunes, we sit down with the former Jupiter Corp man producing the colossal new IP that is Spectrobes - starting with a DS game - for his most detailed interview yet published.
March 12, 2007
The creators of Hitman and Freedom Fighters bring the best of both to their new PC and 360 game.
Ready your digital cash for a pounding.
March 9, 2007
The Lionhead boss has been uncharacteristically quiet about his new game, but the cracks are starting to show.
Details on Realtime Worlds' MMO cops-'n'-robbers game.
Are the jiggly heroes coming to Sony's new system?
March 8, 2007
Yet more trophies for Epic's hit Xbox 360 shooter.
The former Lionhead minds behind Rag Doll Kung Fu have been signed up by Sony and the result on PS3, revealed during Phil Harrison's GDC keynote, is nothing short of outstanding.
Sony's central GDC announcement confirms gossip about the promising community world for PS3, called Home.
March 7, 2007
Well, they're going to try. Will PC gamers bite?
That's nearly a year after the Japanese release, but at least it's coming.
And Burning Crusade hasn't even made it to China yet.
March 6, 2007
The early months for the PS3 could have gone better; Phil Harrison will be giving the console a boost this week.
Another week on top for the heavily promoted RPG.
Old-school heroes in a half-shell headed your way.
March 5, 2007
Sony's flyer will be tightly tied to the PS3's online plan.
Will Kratos end the portable's downward spiral?
And there are more capacious memories cards on which to store them coming too.
One small step for an agent, one giant leap for 360.
A shining example of licened gaming. Not.
We're summoned to play PSP's new Call of Duty.
March 2, 2007
Proving that you shouldn't trust what companies say.
Hints that Sony is looking to combine the thrill of Achievements with the creativity of Miis.
Plus there are more details on the launch date.
Sega's Mega Drive brawler is on the Wii Shop now.
March 1, 2007
Quite a bit below the capabilities of the US and Japanese versions.
That's one less game to play during the summer break.