February 28, 2005
Bag yourself some freebies at a kiosk today.
New study says Nintendo gamers game longer.
New screens and details for frosty, NYC-based thriller.
Perfect if you just have to be up to date.
February 25, 2005
Sakaguchi helming two RPGs for Xbox successor.
Classic baddie-basher jumps into next generation.
Screens and details for the man+dog action game.
February 24, 2005
A trio of new videos that could cause a tornado in India just by downloading onto your PC.
New-ish Xbox-specific trailer added to this earlier story, along with our archived Doom 3 video coverage. Aren't we nice?
Video of the cutest DS launch title.
New screens for Pandemic's alien game.
First screens for Sony's online war shooter.
Fresh screens for TDK's upcoming racer.
More locales for online destruction.
February 23, 2005
Can Wario's touch-screen-only Nintendo DS outing possibly better his classic GBA adventures? Our review tells all.
LucasArts strays away from its bread-and-butter Star Wars series, but does it succeed with Mercenaries?
Nintendo's astounding handheld rhythm action game is one of the hottest experiences on DS. Here's why...
Not everyone in Japan is happy with the handheld.
Support for all three pillars included.
New screens from the console versions included.
February 22, 2005
As EA's hype machine for the luscious-looking Godfather game speeds up, we bring you a helping of new media.
Mass destruction proves unsurprisingly popular.
Men in tights thundering each other - beautiful.
February 21, 2005
What's 3cm tall and has aged better than Judy Dench? It's Super Mario 64, whose DS incarnation is the flagship Nintendo launch title.
Fresh screens for the next big Xbox shooter.
Tight visuals from the ex-GoldenEye devs.
Just in case you want some Nintendo in your tennis.
February 18, 2005
And it's due to arrive within the next year.
Massive promotional campaign ahead of release.
First screens for latest Namco/Nintendo hook-up.
Blood-splattered thriller coming for another stint.
February 17, 2005
Controller cables everywhere shiver in their boots.
Death by Degrees sees the return of probably the most famous hair in videogame history, as we get to explore the pants past of perennial Tekken fave, Nina Williams.
Dracula's not showing up this time, but his house is.
Arcade-style driving game from Sony where you drive around and apprehend ne'er-do-wells.
Very unlikely fire hazard posed by current cables.
February 16, 2005
Can you say fairer than five copies of Dead or Alive Ultimate and five Xbox Live starter kits to give away? Didn't think so! Don't be a fool - enter now!
Sonic is back - but non on console or handheld as you might expect - not until E3, anyway. For now, we found this superb fan-created "spin"-off...
Not good for those hoping to build up a flick collection.
Fresh screens for Konami's Aria of Sorrow follow-up.
New screens for the PSP FPS.
First screens and details for new PSP puzzler.
February 15, 2005
Our latest, extensive chat with the Team Ninja boss reveals new information on Code Cronus and DOA4, his opinion on EA, and thoughts on recent projects.
Jedi lightsaber-fest beats down WoW's orcs.
The latest in the popular anti-terrorist series is almost here. All new PS2 screenshots inside.
Bad-ass chainsaw controller coming to Europe.
Another world to call your own awaits.
February 14, 2005
We conclude our huge coverage of this Team Ninja masterpiece with our final verdict, and a fresh helping of 60fps direct feed media. New Itagaki interview to follow!
Don't miss this! We sit down with KCET's Akari Uchida to talk about pretty girls, mature content, nude wrestling, and excuses to use with parents and girlfriends. New videos and artwork included.
Who says the PSP is just good for gaming?
And this time you can actually play as Neo.
Gorgeous new screenshots for the game within.
Political correctness destroyed our puns.
February 11, 2005
Microsoft proves it's serious about being first.
But only some simple ones for now.
New screens ahead of next week's US release.
Holy big-famous-cast Batman.
Day 1 Studios follows up on Xbox Live's first real success story, but have they done enough to do the same in Live's current incarnation?
February 10, 2005
Splinter Cell, Star Wars & King Kong confirmed.
All new screens and details inside.
Violent action game from the creators of Blinx. Really.
Taito gives realistic flight the college try.
February 9, 2005
Wireless router companies lick their lips.
New PS2 screens and story details inside.
Delay turns out to not be much of a delay after all.
February 8, 2005
PS3 could still debut before E3, as Sony, Toshiba and IBM unveil the supposedly incredible Cell processor in San Francisco.
Long-awaited FPS pushed back again.
First sequel expansion pack coming this week.
Need For Speed Underground finally pushed aside.
February 7, 2005
Raikoh is back with new allies to rid Heian Japan of evil demonic nastiness once and for all - can more of the same possibly be a bad thing?
Boobies! Oh, wait, we're supposed to be reviewing a game here. At least I think we are, but it appears that Larry's beauty may only be skin (flick) deep...
With Xbox 2 confirmed NOT to be at the conference, Nintendo is jetting its prez to speak.
Delve into the early days of the Dark Knight.
Your chance to stop terrorists. Hooray!
Test drive the new handheld before its March release.
February 4, 2005
And just when we were starting to get excited.
Company prepares to change the industry
It's about time some new games came out.
And at retail too, in case you missed it.
February 3, 2005
The wait won't be much longer for Europe.
[insert mangled Godfather quote here.]
Online mode, however, gets the axe.
February 2, 2005
New sniper mode added to team-based shooter.
Franchise expands into the online arena.
Everything a series newbie could want.
Sonic Team's stylish game set for DS launch.
February 1, 2005
Konami delivers on its promises for Europe.
Might be the only 2D Castlevania we see for a while.
Bioware's new chop socky RPG appears on the horizon.
What game can be without one these days?
We've got the first screens and fresh news on the surprise of the month, Namco X Capcom.
Climb into your destructo-box and do some serious damage, by winning one of five copies of the awesome MechAssault 2, plus LIVE Starter Kits!